Zaphod Burnerbrox

So Duke could next year?

Sean McVay looks like he gives one star reviews to Uber drivers because he thinks it’s funny and leaves the car reeking of AXE

Sock game on point

i have to think that if Duke had won, it would have been listed as

Can we talk about the “I AM A STUDENT-ATHLETE” commercials that keep running during games? Where a bunch of ostensibly college-aged actors (and if they’re not actors, they’re goddamn scabs) stare seriously into a camera and ask you not to define them right before using a term fucking made up by the NCAA to avoid

On the one hand, this trade has a lot of merit.

Not only does he play like Joe Quarterback from a football videogame that couldn’t get NFL licensing rights, he sounds like one too.

“Nothing,” Thomas said when asked what happened with Randle. “Just two basketball players competing. That’s all it was. Happy to be yelling. ... We want the best for each other, we just want to win. We’re two leaders on the team that we’re competing on and it was a misunderstanding at one point and we talked about it

If he has to work for the campaign instead of the White House, Soviet.

Ugh, Godless Shrine counts as an “older card” now.

The US is having a hard enough time with gun control right now; please don’t give MLS any ideas.

True story: at a previous job, I walked into the staff lounge to find two coworkers talking about one of them had hit a bird with their car. The bird-murder was mortified and the non-bird murderer was teasing her about it. I chimed in (completely unironically) that it had always been a dream of mine to hit a bird

If I paid $4,000 for an outfit, you bet your sweet ass I’d wear it at every reasonable opportunity, plus some completely unreasonable ones.

Just imagine what he could do if he were a Fullþór Björnsson  

I don’t know what you’re talking about; Steph Curry is rude as hell.

Steph Curry is all of us watching this game

So we’re all wrapped up in JJ Redick’s accidental while Carmelo Anthony is obviously spouting what’s probably complete gibberish that just sounds like Chinese.

The explanation would’ve gone over a lot more smoothly if the story hadn’t been about complaints of pee-pee in the athletes’ Coke.

he only trusts JR Smith because he can be absolutely sure there’s nothing up his sleeves