Zaphod Burnerbrox

David Tyree’s helmet is better at football than Eli Manning ever has been

if you think brand management through on court behavior is exclusive to Kevin Durant, you must be pretty goddamn stupid.

I’m gonna try that at the next interview I have for a promotion I know they’ve already decided to give to someone else.

“Sued by a horse? Roy Loomis really needs to stop picking up prostitutes” - Emmitt Smith

What’s this strange new meaning of the word “suddenly” you’re using?

honestly playing Storm is just about knowing how to count high enough. Pretty sure Dana could manage it.

giving up the moral high ground to the party that elected and supports a man that brags about grabbing women by the pussy? giving up the moral high ground to a party that supports Roy “Banned from the Mall” Moore?

Is Lavar Ball being saved for some other Award? Because his absence from this list is baffling, to say the least.

I literally just finished the first game two weeks ago because I couldn’t play for more than 20 minutes without wanting to chuck my DS across the room during cutscenes. I’m honestly more inclined to drop 30 bucks on Gold, Silver, and Yellow in the ‘shop and call it a day.

on the contrary, given all of the endorsements and support that have apparently been withdrawn, he looks exceptionally fucked.

Okay, well when you eat things made with certain red dyes, you’re actually eating beetle shells. I’m not phrasing it to make it sound worse than it is; that’s literally exactly what you’re doing!

Certainly phrasing matters, and by the same token you claim mine minimizes it, your phrasing makes it seem more serious than it is. Franken admitted his joke was in poor taste. He acknowledged it was unacceptable. But something being unacceptable doesn’t mean he has to resign.

I think if this were Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell I’d be equally nonplussed. Miming a boobhonk 10 years ago is immature and sophomoric, but hardly a reason for anyone to resign.

I just think the whole thing is being blown completely out of proportion. He’s not faultless, but this also isn’t resign in shame territory.

Sure. But calling for his resignation over it is completely idiotic. It’s falling into the trap set by the right that this clearly is. Franken has handled this with more class and dignity than it warrants, quite frankly, and the Left Wing Internet Outrage Machine needs to put their pitchforks back in the barn.

Let’s be sure to ask the important questions:

Yeah, the one where he didn’t touch her at all but you seem to act as though he violently assaulted her while not questioning her motives whatsoever given the context in which the story was released?

Yeah, let’s split hairs on the words being used. That’ll move the discussion forward fruitfully!