You’re killing Independent Kevin!
You’re killing Independent Kevin!
All of mine are in assorted piles spread across my office, but I’ll still find them scattered throughout the house because the cats think they’re neat-o toys.
I understand why Smith was asking Irving if he thought he could win without James, but it’s still a stupid fucking question. What do you expect him to say other than a straight up “yes” or some kind of evasive bullshit?
I don’t even work here, man.
it’s like when people accuse bands of “selling out” or whatever. that’s the whole fuckin’ point, man. getting money and rings is literally why Kevin Durant is playing basketball in the NBA.
I just remember him talking about what an honor it was when he was inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame and thinking that apparently Oklahomans don’t get sarcasm
lol @ the expectation of ESPN to have that kind of spine
Using his government position to silence critics in the media?
you had me at “Keaton will bite a guy’s ear off”
I don’t know what to think of Pro Football Focus’ analysis without knowing their analysts Wonderlic scores.
how many esoteric riddles will you have to solve by consulting drunk moles in order to advance the story?
Savage never should have voted for the Jaguars Eating Peoples’ Face Party
“Back, back, back to the 1950s”
Donate them to a Goodwill or local thrift store instead. They’ll happily take your books and either sell or dispose of them as necessary.
I’m not sure this will do anything to improve that, though. One of the frustrating things about MTGO is waiting for your opponent (equally frustrating irl, tbh); adding the annoying af animations of Hearthstone to that sounds like a recipe for a bunch of heavy sighing and rapid mouse-clicking.