Salt and Bees

Missed a great opportunity to teach your kid about hard work, earning your rewards, and knowing that you can’t always get everything you want. I know this because I have no kids, that makes me an expert on this.

I was complaining about NerfNow before, but to be honest most of the comics here are just bad. NerfNow’s a bit worse because it isn’t even really about videogames.

I’ve used one of those and I still refer to it as “that time I pooped in a top hat.”

If Disney did all the characters speaking Wookiee with no subtitles for the whole movie, I would never leave the theater.

I was about to mention the same thing. You beat me to the punch.

It would be my honor for you to call crappy things buttcheeks. :)

Now playing

During late night sessions with my friends, we would always double over in laughter at how the guards simply would not stop making extra sure Bond was dead. If only their movie counterparts were that thorough.

This was genuinely surprising. Not that I had ever researched pirates but I really thought the simple fact you were a pirate captain would have meant killing at least a few people, right?

Aye...sea turtles...

I think most people got that it was /s

Mmmm yes, I also find PUBG’s sense of realism to be compelling.


I guess? I learned all of that under an hour and I don’t consider myself too great at shooters. You aren’t wrong, I just see it more as an allusion of deep mechanics, rather than actually having complex and interesting systems in place. I wouldn’t call a bullet drop system I learned in a couple sessions “hardcore”. It

Don’t threaten me.

WatchESPN is also buttcheeks. Thing crashes non-stop for me.

You also get all the Big Bang Theory you want.

I’m enjoying the resurgence of colorful cartoony graphics after suffering for decades with gritty “realism” and grey and brown color pallets.

Might be superficial of me (probably is) but i think PUBG (like all Counter-Strikes to date) is one of the blandest looking games i’ve ever seen.
Fortnite has pretty solid art direction and the engine is really really cool.

Now playing

For when the world,the day feels really shitty