Salt and Bees

Wait k ham’s been a portlander this whole time? You think you know someone....


“fried burrito”

Yeah, can I get a slice of that action as well?

Tangentially related, but seeing a WoW post not written by Fahey stood out to me. So how is the old man doing? Miss his humor and kind outlook around here, hope him and his family are doing okay.

I thought we’d be free of him once he left OWL. I guess that was wishful thinking.

Knowing it was essentially workshopped via life experience makes it even better.

Tim: what’s the origin of your sign off? “I was born stupid, but I will not die hungry” has worked its way into my lexicon. I love it.

Hey anyone wanna play some overwatch?

Unrelated: Gita, your lipstick is killing it!

On the other hand, your comment contains multitudes of honest reflection and self awareness. Truly, you are an enigma.

i miss snacktaku

i agree

Random question: I’ve been dreaming of going to japan for years and I’m finally planning a visit for the end of the year. My biggest worry has been the fact that I’ve got a shellfish allergy. Are Japanese restaurants used to accomadating that or should I just pack a purse full of granola bars?

hell yes. going right up next to my 14" widow statue

you are doing the lords work

What anime is that last picture from? Looks cute as heck

There is a known issue with overwatch regularly crashing on ryzen systems. It’s one of the top issues on the blizzard forums and one they seem uninterested in solving any time soon. Suggesting you buy one specifically to play overwatch seems disingenuous at best.

My current theory on HQ’s profit source is that they have companies pay to be an unmarked but clearly sponsored trivia question. In the last week there’s been a half dozen or so questions about Coca Cola products sprinkled in. That would also explain why the owner flipped when the host did that interview.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all. He’s got that particular mix of charisma, relatability, and vulnerability that seems almost rehearsed. He gives me ‘scam artist’ vibes up and down, but I’d be glad to be proven wrong.