Salt and Bees

By far the most memorable was the New Donk City Festival sequence in Mario Odyssey.

I don’t profess to be an expert in fashion, but I do know it exists in Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood.

Considering I find the RLM guys kind of smug, low key misogynists, only moderately funny and not very aware of film theory/analysis, I don’t know how much weight their recommendation holds with me.

Why that spaghetti so spooky? Why not some friendly fettuccine?  

So ACPC is the first time I realized that K.K. Slider is the only animal that’s totally fucking naked.

What is this Yura guy talking about? Someone calls you out for embezzling funds and you accuse them of sexual harassment? How about proving you’re not a criminal rather than trying to attack the other guy’s credibility? Everything about this company’s story is fishy.

Personal limitations.

It sounds like this woman mastered one of those hard-to-find dragon shouts: “Fuk — yu — bro!”

I am absolutely positive that there is NO PLEASING some of you. You’ve won. Its over. All your crying and bitching about “loot boxes” and “predatory business practices” has made a EA bow to you, and yet many of you, ARE STILL BITCHING AND COMPLAINING. Let it go trolls. Again, you never had to buy this shit show in the

“Concept of a Doctor Strange poster by Tomer Hanuka. Marvel rejected it because they said he looked like an “alien giraffe.””

Yep, Fahey has been a bot for years.

This is actually not true- games used to be heavily censored back in the day, but it rarely ever happens these days, outside of third Reich imagery (swastikas and sig runes, mostly).

Friendly reminder that it is improper to “slap” and “fist” a nazi. Instead, one should “punch” a nazi, for they do not deserve the pleasure of offending everyone..

They don’t need to do anything. It’s their game.

If they think it’s not worth it to run a legacy server for a small audience, then I’m inclined to trust them.

If they would rather not let people outside blizzard run their game on private servers, that’s their right.

Is it that exact one though? They make like 5 different wheel setups that range anywhere from about $100 to close to $1k depending on which model and what attachments it came with.

Oh shit someone just got busted.

I was going to make a remark to the effect of “what, nobody running up and down the hall in a white sheet?” and then I imagined them slipping and cracking their head on the floor due to ignoring the ‘wet floor’ sign and now I can’t stop laughing.

Life in Aggro has some pretty nice art but pretty terrible layout/design.

Despite what popular culture tells you, most men aren’t just looking for a woman to bang, they’re looking for someone that they can connect and form a romantic relationship with