
“Look at the dear little people struggling to rise above their savagery”.

Bitter expedients. Bitter cretin. Papa John.

That’s what you say now, but when in the heat of the action people who get promoted are the ones doing the cool stuff, or at least able to have their boss believe they are doing cool stuff.

And for every person like you who rewards such volunteering, there are 10 managers who will do nothing (and may even “volunteer” the employee for more things in the future.)

See that makes no sense to me. If you’re carrying a gun on your person ostensibly as self protection you’re going to wait to load it while under threat? There’s a meme in the self defense community that an assailant at 21 feet with a knife can close the distance and stab you before you’d have time to unholster and

Sit down eat your slice of pizza, and be quiet”—Slick Rick lyric from Mona Lisa.

Maybe tell your friend that humans have “only” been watching documentaries for 96 years and that’s why most human brains cannot process documentaries in a critical and intelligent manner?

There’s being Anti-Vax, and then there’s ‘actually dating Andrew Wakefield’ Anti-Vax. Jenny McCarthy must be well jel of Elle.

She also takes ground up rhino horn, so she is a wacko and a terrible person.

I’m not the law-adjacent person you’re looking for, but I do have a journalism degree. Further, just as a normal person, I’d like to point out that journalists aren’t entitled to write about anyone they want. They either need 1. a written release (or verbal in the case of states that are okay with that) or 2. need to

I don’t think you know how Chess works.

They don’t want women, they want a fuckdoll that breathes, or they want to be able to abuse someone without consequence.

No. The classic phrase is:

And just to be clear...they repulse us because they hate women. 

Hey Guys - are you getting tired of that same old White Male Privilege(tm)? Do you yearn for the sweet, sweet feeling of oppression? Why should women have all the fun? Become an MRA.

So little to understand, yet you understand none of it

Conservatives really have no concept of truth, do they? Just power and sycophancy. If the rich guy says the sky is pink, then by God, it’s always been thus.

Remember, no matter how uncomprehendingly they intone slogans like MAGA! and Lock Her Up!, what they’re always actually saying is “Will Lick Taint For Cash”.

So what you’re saying is this Goldberg guy is some kind of rube?

A Bryan Goldberg machine is a device designed to perform a simple task incorrectly.

It’s all fun and games until Edward Woodward is sacrificed inside of it.