They believe the adult they like and trust over the kid.
They believe the adult they like and trust over the kid.
I have a friend whose twins were molested by an older family friend. There was a trial, and an unsympathetic judge, and some frightened children, and he was acquitted. His daughter called the friends horrible names and was her father’s staunchest supporter.
It’s just an extreme and classic example of all the way sexual assault and abuse victims are dismissed and blamed. It is harder to believe the truth that someone you love so much would be guilty of something like this, than it is to believe that a child or adult victim is exaggerating or trying to get attention. If…
Per the letter-writer, it’s just the term used in child advocacy circles that means calling the abuse hotline to report the crime.
Thanks for sharing this, I’m sure most of us would have no idea what to do if this happened to us or a family member.
One more thing to add to your spot on analysis.
Now that’s a hilarious interpretation.
“Sorry, fellas: Ladies are much more likely to orgasm when they have sex with other WOMEN, according to new research.”
I wonder if some it is because so many men are socialized to not express vulnerability, or silliness, or anything other than stone-cold competence/domination. Good sex is a creative process, with the participants curiously trying new things, reacting to the other’s reactions, innovating, sometimes laughing and a…
Nope. As per the article, straight men were more likely to have orgasms during sex than gay men.... by a one percentage point. So straight men win this little selfishness race too I guess.
I just... I JUST... I think about all the women who have been shut down, shut out and in general, get booted from jobs for the dumbest of fucking reasons and... and... men who do legitimately not ok shit are given more chances to make more comebacks than an enabling mother’s perfect baby angel who can do no wrong.
I turn 37 in a few months, I guess I better start looking at walkers and walk-in bathtubs.
This right here, this is why I’m not proud of this country anymore. Because someone can die and others can be so fucking obtuse, dense, and callous.
Sure, believe the corporation. They are always pretty honest.
I’ll shed a tear for utilities not getting paid when they start catching up to their SuperFund and environmental obligations without taking a giant gulp from the government teat.
A good number of people who have millions aren’t the brightest bulbs. Money and privilege are quite helpful. Lack of those things can have devastating consequences.
You’re a piece of shit and the people liking your comment are dingleberries.