
You’d send something back because it had pico on it? And if you couldn’t get your way, you’d start demanding a refund?

Is your sister...five years old?

This. Years ago I dated a woman with celiac’s disease and felt bad every time she had to send something back (“Is there breading on this chicken? I’m sorry, but I can’t eat it, can you please remake this?”), but the restaurants were always kind and professional about it.

Hot fajitas without cheese are better than cold with cheese, but also better than hot with cheese.

From the forlorn look of his wife to the insistence that the inclusion of shredded cheese is “the only she can eat fajitas” as if she’s got a food allergy to non-cheesy-fajitas to crying about the whole affair on social media rather than actually just getting up and talking to the manager, the peak spoiled behavior

Hardline food habits (not allergy-related)? In a restaurant?

So, a PandemiManiPedi?

Let’s be honest, Tex-mex is only about 5 ingredients served in different ways. You leave out cheese and it’s just ex-mex 

they were rly just working hard to make sure every cheese shred had a little coronavirus. it’s the only way she’ll eat it.

“Can only eat fajitas with shredded cheese” sounds like a medical disorder.

On the plus side, the side order of COVID came almost immediately.

Alas, the bar for that used to be significantly higher

Contrarian as opposed to who? The Last Jedi had a 91% RT rating.

of course you’re not the only one seething with anger over it. nobody is seething with anger over it, you’re just interpreting a few tweets expressing mockery and distaste as all-consuming rage.

Well, to be fair...a cover of “Helter Skelter” would have been more appropriate.

I remember the Hooters episode. A couple of things stand out: First, they actually showed the factory where they make the sauce for their wings. There’s a shot of a bunch of disgustingly viscous, day glow orange sauce being extruded out of a tube. I was shocked that they would actually allow them to show something

That’s the whole Republican philosophy. You need to protect the rich greedy assholes or else you’ll never become a rich greedy asshole!

Now playing

The only thing I’ve gotten enjoyment out of related to Undercover Boss is this skit. Kylo Ren really is the perfect lens to show what so many real bosses are: vain, insecure, abusive. It’s patently ridiculous but also more realistic than anything on the real Undercover Boss.

I thought the premiere wasn’t until the 15th?  Do you guys have a time machine?