
Um... because we do? A certain percentage of abusers are totally just hand-waved or forgiven outright by the media, but I can think of examples of both male and female abusers getting confronted by the media - certainly male abusers are the more common of the two.

As a psychologist I always hesitate to use the word addiction not related to a drug or alcohol. Substance aabuse shares many of the same impulse behaviors but lacks the changes to neuro chemistry that heroine or nicotine does.

Suspects a crime has been committed and then tosses away the evidence... What a seasoned cop that guy is.

if we are all christians who are following the light of Christ then we must find it in our hearts to forgive.

From: Michael Harriot

“The atmosphere that we’re dealing with as police officers today. I perceived that somebody messed with my food,” he added.

Seriously, your name is “Police Officer?” What a pathetic fucking douche.

When the unseasoned can’t even tell what seasonings are.

There is no wrath quite like an insecure White dude who gets his feelings hurt when he perceives someone disrespecting his authority.

The point he was making was even in those states which have Stand your Ground, if you use anything other than a gun, you get those charges thrown at you. Stand Your Ground in some states are very specifically worded that way.

You think all these “demand identification” types wanted to be Cops and couldn’t cut it, or it’s just a desire for segregated pools, or both?

Sorry, Captain. I will always treasure the time aboard your ship. Especially the commemorative bracelet we all got afterwards and that small late last hour you allowed me to call you Burt, for just ordering a round of 30 year old Jamaican witch toe nail rum. Still got the little broom they served it with.

I had to go all the way deep down in my basement to get my shovel, crossed a salty river in a boat accompanied by a goat, wolf, scorpion and a piece of cheese. Walked for seven miles barefoot into an old forest, bathed in just moonlight. Finally reaching the crossroad, in the shadow of an ancient oak, when the

Hell the place is full CO2 belching SUVs like that lone cigarette was the real lung killer.

I tried it a couple of weeks ago to show my little one it could be did not go well for me. But she got a kick out of it though!

This video brought so much joy to my heart... through tears and remembering my Daddy... Black Daddies are the shit.

Maybe the Democratic Party will actually embrace a more progressive and inclusive agenda instead of just positioning themselves as the less Nazi alternatives to, well, Nazis.

Your ancestors brought them here dipshit.

Oh, the irony of a white person trolling a black blog complaining about not being able to escape black people...

“anyone eating by themselves at a Chinese buffet”