Probably shouldn’t let a junior senator from Illinois be President either until he’s been in the government a bit longer to learn how the government functions first.
Probably shouldn’t let a junior senator from Illinois be President either until he’s been in the government a bit longer to learn how the government functions first.
I hear that argument a lot. Yet, she’s been working with government groups in her advocacy for decades, she is not exactly a neophyte. She’s got far more experience than the jackass whos only experience in government is tax evasion.
Um, and why exactly do you think the democratic base has low turn-out? I’ll give you an insight: the Republicans stole a Supreme Court seat and all the DNC can talk about now is the inalienable right of Republicans to eat at Mexican restaurants in peace. There are immigrant children in concentration camps right now,…
I don’t think that the only options are being nice or being Trump-esque.
Find your bridge troll.
Jack boot obviously.
What’s your favorite type of boot to lick? Do you prefer cowboy or are you a hiking boot man?
How predictable that you’re here in the comments for a story about a racist ass fucking bitch, to make excuses for said bitch.
She follows up her assault on a child with assaults on police officers. That’s some high level economic anxiety right there.
Therein lies the problem: “going high” might work, if the electorate were comprised of men and women who were the equal of Michelle Obama. It is fairly clear, however, that Michelle Obama is in fact quite exceptional. Which is great, but it also means that she’s the exception. As in, not the norm. As in, not someone…
Being civil, turning the other cheek, staying respectful, etc. are elements of the same, naive, ridiculous aspiration of the Left: as long as we stay true to our values, advocate for equality, and stay civil, everything will turn out in our favor because we were the better person.
If the only time we’re going to be able to stop Republicans from completely trashing our political system is when Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress, we’re fucked. Complete federal control in perpetuity is not a strategy for winning.
It’s amazing that one of the takeaways from this is somehow “don’t vote for Democrats.”
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again; Mitch McConnell is genuinely a worse person than Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, or any of the fucking nazis making waves across the country right now. Because he has deliberately run this country into the fucking arms of people like Trump in an exercise of naked power, smug in…
Not to mention that domestic violence rates soar up during the World Cup.
Virtually all transmissions of football games in Latin America (whether domestic or international matches) constantly do leery, pointed shots of attractive female fans. They’re usually not even aware, or try to ignore the cameraman if they do notice. It is super creepy - especially when it’s like a young mum alone with…
“Because of people like you, who sees racism in everything, who points at this constantly, making the tint of the skin the whole purpose of everybody’s motivation, you are the one who actually brings out a difference, a marginalization, a stigmatization and ultimately, racism in the equation.”
Salt of the earth but never salt on their chicken.
Neighborhood watch.
You forgot one, and it’s “economy”.