No shit all white people aren’t the same.
No shit all white people aren’t the same.
Nobody asked for this shit. Nobody.
Sadly atheism is riddled with these pockmarks on the face of humanity as well.
Yeah, and the Native Americans were taking excellent care of it, and then white people killed 18 million of them, and made it a shithole. Because manifest destiny or something.
and male
I wrote on a random Breibart article for shits and giggles, “Breibart, home of the white racist christian male.” Someone actually reponded, “I am not a Christian.”
Because “daywalking shit stain[s]” can’t smell their funk.
Only white people expect this privilege of individuality.
I’m not pulling out a grey but yea I know that actual medieval peasants were oppressed. That gif though is from something called a comedy film. But you probably already knew that. Go bother someone else.
Wow and every item describes our dear president. But trump isn’t a narcissist. He’s the BEST narcissist!
They also commit like 100% of white collar crime. Surely coincidence, right?
What happens if you add Christian into that?
I think a lot of it has to do with coolness and cultural relevance.
“Straight White Male” has become this century’s N-Word.
Perhaps NOT being oppressed when everyone else is feels like oppression? It must look like great fun when you’re in absolutely no danger of actual oppression. It’s like visiting a theme park where everyone else is being maimed on the rides but your unfortunate self is safe and sound. They want scars, bro.