
How many times would you have to be beaten by cops to adopt a hardline “Fuck the Police” attitude? Because for me, it’s less than twice.

Rameau, in the meantime, believes that the officers involved should quit.

Clicked through to the Daily News article and holy shit:

Notice how prideful and presumptuous he is. How does this mortal think he knows what ominpotent omniscient God’s intentions were?

Lately, I’ve been approaching every cop I can to ask them about bowie knife laws in my state. I do this because 1) it’s funny to see their reaction and 2) I want to see if they have any sort of awareness to do their jobs correctly. Of the three I have talked to, only one could say with certainty what the law was

“as a matter of law”

I hate Sharia law!

Put the no gays allowed signs up so I know where to boycott.

This, they love to cherry pick the parts they like and ignore the rest. Like, anything to do with helping the poor, and the whole golden rule thing.

Yeah, you’ll never see any Christian having a problem with pork on account of Leviticus saying it was unclean.

Funny how the “right” to not be forced to do lawful shit only seems to apply to so called “Christians;” by funny, I mean fucking disgusting.

Bakery owner Jack Phillips stated that “God’s intention for marriage from the beginning of history is that it is and should be the union of one man and one woman.”

Damn, Trumpers are a protected class now? Is a MAGA hat religious garb? Is a lifted truck a prosthetic device? Should Trumpers be allowed extra time on standarize tests because of their low IQs?

What a time to be alive.

That’s a great point.

Jesus actually did have a male, same-sex, love relationship which we are introduced to in John 13:23 &25. If you understand the meaning of the original Greek grammar in these passages then you will understand the true nature of this relationship. And if you don’t understand the meaning of the original Greek grammar

I guess “seperate but equal” isn’t unconstitutional anymore.

“Suppose one believed that human sacrifices were a necessary part of religious worship…Or if a wife religiously believed it was her duty to burn herself upon the funeral pile of her dead husband, would it be beyond the power of the civil government to prevent [these practices]?”

The people coming to the defense of this man from the angle of him being a “creative in need of defense of his right to expression” are spectacularly stupid. I’m a graphic designer. Just finished off my docket: some collateral for a church, an ad for an FCA org, and a pro-life campaign flyer. I’ve got some pretty