
So if this is how I feel about grabbing someone’s leg, you can probably assume that I don’t feel “the same” about sticking your dick in someone else’s mouth, right? I mean, you seem to be under the impression that how I feel about Quadzilla is as angry as I’m capable of getting, and that I should scale my feelings

Funny, I don’t like that you think there are certain forms of sexual assault that are NBD and women should just be cool about it and grow some thicker skin.

100% they don’t care. Men are not idiots. They understand the word “no.”

Any unwanted sexual touching is sexual assault. Why do so many people act like Weinstein level assault and harassment is the only valid assault/harassment? Makes me wonder if the person making such ridiculous statements/asking such ridiculous questions has done some of that themselves.

and onward came the “#metoo has gone too far!” trolls

I have never overlooked a friend sexually assaulting a woman, no. Because that is what you’re describing. Sexual assault. Maybe you’re willing to be all, “Oh, well, can’t we just be cool with sexual assault? Can’t we be all, ‘Sure he sexually assaulted some woman, but like, is sexually assault really that big of a

I don’t think you’re going to find too many people here who will deny that women in positions of power might also abuse that power if the opportunity arises.

i looked as hard as i could

I mean I can’t wait for the day when men decide to stop participating in things so I can finally go to a party and not have to worry about being touched inappropriately or having gross comments made to me or being hounded around the room by some fucking dude. Oh, please, no, don’t stay home! Whatever shall we do

For context, numbers on legs are most frequently used to support skaters that are injured or (more rarely) have died.

That’s the thing people are whining about “men will just stop doing anything that involves touching women or the possibility of being accused” and I’m thinking, great, because why is there a need to do that, outside of a relationship in which boundaries are known?

It’s not just the one thing, either. Sure, sometimes

Logic wold be not to touch women you aren’t in a relationship with inappropriately, or at all, because there is no reason to do it.

I get so angry these days whenever I hear some jackass complaining about how “nobody knows what the rules are for dealing with women now!”

I don’t understand people’s thinking when they say, “It’s hard to believe this happened in the _____ industry.” Like any space is safe for women to just live. This is the usual scenario: A man in charge of women. A man benefiting financially and exploiting women. A man taking advantage of women and holding them back

It’s not the accusations, it’s the admissions. Once the guy has said, “Oh, gosh, yeah, looking back I did do some stuff that some people might have seen as crossing a line now that I think about it in retrospect, but believe me, I’m not a bad person,” you know that it’s all true and they’re just trying to minimize it

She wrote that Quadzilla, the camp’s coach, sat down next to her, put his hand on her thigh, and moved it upwards. She also wrote that she removed his hand three times before he stopped.

See? SEE what happened when we started worshiping “irony” so hard we started allowing it into politics? We get people defending pedophilia out of hatred for “political correctness”.

From the HuffPost- “The 35-year-old part-time accountant, who lives with his parents in Virginia, traveled...]

“Hey Roy Moore, hold my beer...”

I stopped reading after “Charlottesville”