You cant train a white person to not be racist for a 40 hour turnaround. That leads me to a question that should be Yesha’s next article.. “How many hours of diversity training does it take to completely change white people?”
You cant train a white person to not be racist for a 40 hour turnaround. That leads me to a question that should be Yesha’s next article.. “How many hours of diversity training does it take to completely change white people?”
So he becomes racist when he is emotional? This is a exactly the sort of person who should be put in high pressure situations with a gun.
I suppose it depends on your grid. Ours already gets stressed with the increased temperatures. You do get how that works, right?
Yesterday after reading the various news reports a scream centered in my chest. Tried to tire myself with a run. I cried achingly. Donated to the Gofundme campaign. Barely slept last night and awakened with the scream in chest and a twisted knot in my stomach.
the world will love our latest brand of american style capitalism whether they want to or not
Fuck off, troll.
And these pieces of shit says they hate government going into their homes.
Those of us in Georgia are well familiar with Southern Company and its subsidiary Georgia Power, one of our monopoly utilities that’s been guaranteed a double digit return on investment for decades. They are supposed to be regulated by our Public Service Commission, now all Republicans. The trick is, the PSC is…
This reminds me of the many for profit prisons that have bed number requirements that mean if crime (well arrests) goes down the city has to pay.
Would love to lower my drain on the grid in the summer.
This is why we will only install off-grid solar, when we finally get around to it.
What would you do to make and keep BILLIONS?
Fuck them for being the designated pharmacy for my employers insurance...
Get ready for a tidal wave of naive college kids telling you that we can CHANGE THE WORLD and a bunch of liars telling you they’d keep $50,000/yr. for themselves and donate the rest.
Fuck CVS and fuck them for being the only half decent pharmacy near me. Fuck them! Fucking fuck! Motherfuckers. Goddamn it! Shit lickers! Fuck them! Pieces of shit! Fuck fuck fuuuuuuuuuuuck! Fuck!
had raised $26 million in 2017 (in addition to $4 million for its associated Super PAC, America First Action)
It really sucks being reminded that your wellbeing is strapped to some redneck’s shitty vote. To the 50% of the electorate who does not vote, FUCK YOU WITH DONALD TRUMP’S CRUSTY DICK.
Okay, usually I wouldn’t respond to something like this but there’s a bit of a difference between what you’re stance is and what happened. Not all cases of owning a business mean you get to make the rules. If you are a franchise owner of a McDonald’s, for example. But even then, there’s a huuuuuge difference between…
I’m ready for the NFL to eat it big time.