I’m really laughing at the mere mention of Spike Lee’s shittiest movie
Bamboozled was an equally crappy movie.
This apology is wack. He could have easily addressed the struggles of African American actors by just wearing the damn Jim Crow Couture clothes, which still would have been problematic af. You just don’t go blackface. That’s a rule. You can’t equate your light-skinned/biracial privileges to the suffering of dark-skin…
I love that Kilroy-esque photo, because he really is Janus. Also, for someone who needs a laugh at his uber-pathetic sycophant followers, because I have had much too much of these trash people for one day
I think it would be amazing if he hadn’t.
I like ‘em thicc
Allll of you are fools.
I can understand how a serious actor like Rickman felt yoked to an 8 movie commitment in a children’s fantasy series, seeing how the books (and Snape’s story)were truncated, and the day to day challenges of acting with children - all must have been a drag.
Compostable plastic is not as good as it seems. It needs to go to a special commercial composting center; it won’t break down on its own. It can’t be recycled, either. It’s most likely to pollute just as much as regular plastic.
Here is a sea turtle with a fucking plastic straw wedged up his fucking nostril:
Ha! My boyfriend and I got stuck on the launch hill for Rip Ride Rockit for what the attendant told us was over 20 minutes. The launch hill is a full 90 DEGREES so we were essentially sitting on our backs, completely terrified.
I dunno... the whole thing kinda sucks.
It becomes habit. I always carry a bag or purse, and have a little baggie with reusable straws on it. A toothbrush holder works for some, too. They don’t take up much space. Of course, if you don’t carry a bag it’s not so simple. Maybe a super cool belt clip holster thingy a la cellphones in the 90's? And a button…
Replying to bump thank you for talking about this! Also can people just accept that if disabled people tell you why the alternatives won’t work (that you suggest like they haven’t thought of them before) that maybe you should believe them? Also the amount of people on social media that are like,” there will be a…
I came off a roller coaster looking about like that...except that I was 6 years old and a girl. My experience was probably less traumatic than Fabio’s though. It was a big woody coaster with a bit of a rough ride, and one of my baby teeth fell out and the blood blew back in my face. There’s a photo of my somewhere…
This is a strawban argument I refuse to get sucked into...
Hot taek:
When my mom passed away I found literally hundreds of unopened straws from McDonalds in every drawer, purse, etc. she had. My mom was very organized and tidy so it was both a shock that she was a straw hoarder, and how many straws they give you at fast food restaurants.