
Excuse me! That’s different!! I deserve it!!

I feel this pain. For a number of years when I was much younger I had no car. I live in a city where public transportation hovers around 4032 on the list of things that matter. My 20 minute drive to work, would take about an hour on the bus and I had to take it an hour before that to get to work on time as the buses

Came in here for this.

A man wearing flip-flops with jeans shouldn’t “throw stones” about anything. AN. NEE. TH-ING.

This is the closest thing I can think of:

Tranquilizer Dart Man!

WIC is only for pregnant women and children under five, but I get your point. She’s probably some uneducated, lumpen proletariat that votes against her own interests, lost a union job when the busted up the unions, and chooses to vent her ire on a WOC with babies under the supposition that she’s getting something for

You’re assuming they know anything about geography.

I think there’s plenty of room for a superhero who has the sole power of getting people like this to chill.

I remember on election day debating with someone that poor people can often be nowhere near their polling place when they are open because of inconvenient transportation, early starting jobs, 2nd jobs and evening education. The time expected of the less fortunate just in getting to work can be back-breaking.

I teach middle school, and last year, there was this girl who kept coming to school late. All year she’d been on time, then sometime in the winter, she was late, and since I had her first period, it was really becoming an issue in my class. I knew she lived just a few blocks away, so I sat her down and gave her the

The thing I don’t get about the people who’ve convinced themselves that those on assistance are just getting pregnant on purpose to “get free stuff” as if it’s some sort of prize: why don’t any of them just quit their jobs and go have some babies if it’s so great? Go be pregnant for nine months with limited or no

Carroll seems like a nice person both in her offer to help pay and dignified complain to management and the public about this cashier.

In my years bagging groceries we never had a cashier do anything like this, thank God, but customers behind WIC and EBT users said stuff pretty frequently. Remarks about how long it took to ring them up, “why do they have those kids if they can’t pay for them,” etc.

I bet the odds are very good that cashier also uses WIC to make ends meet and we are seeing an epic case of projection here.

““’That’s why they have babies, so they can keep on getting all of the free stuff’,” Carroll said the cashier told her.”

Martha did less time as a convict than Kalief Browder did as a suspect whose charges were dropped. She also had more privileges and humane living conditions compared to Kalief Browder. I will take felony with wealth any day.

Aye, when you find that mythical town in America that won’t discriminate against black people you let us know.

Technically it’s known as the Atlantic Beach Bike Festival for the tiny town of Atlantic Beach which broke off from North Myrtle Beach as a black town. It’s about six square blocks so there’s no way it can handle the 600-700,000 people descending on the area for the week.