
From what I see a lot of the people commenting have not actually had first hand experience as the target of a BPD sufferer. Like you, I actually lived with someone who had it - my step mother. My dad, my two siblings and I all developed a variety of trust issues, anxiety disorders and for my dad, severe depression.

BPD is a set of coping mechanisms that can be changed through therapies like DBT and CBT and medication. People with BPD can learn and practice new coping mechanism that, with hard work, can replace their old ones and effectively remove the label. Yes, “cured” is not the right term, but one can move out of the

Thank you! I feel the same about SJW. So wait...I’m supposed to be insulted that you think I’m a warrior who fights for justice? You just called me Superman and I’m supposed to feel bad about that?

On. The. Scene.

welp, looks like Betsy Devos has found her perfect intern.

This whole “virtue signaling” thing is a trip. Seeking virtue is a good thing. Trying to learn and grow is a good thing. Sharing your process with others is a good thing too. The right is deplorability signaling. Hate signaling. Rage signaling. White supremacy signaling. Cause only pussies would want to be virtuous,

Damn can a week go by without some whyte writing a dissertation on why they should be able to say nigga?

“For the record I did not vote for him and I find him to be a moron. I don’t see how he is racist. I’m still waiting for somebody to point out something he said or some sort of policy foreign or domestic, that proves him to be a racist. A idiot, absolutely. Unfit, for sure. But the rest just seems like slander.”

Let’s be real - if that were a black kid doing that to a white school employee, he’d already have been tried and sentenced by now.

He is right but I believe what her fans were saying is that dating a guy whose BPD isn’t cured yet will cause HER unhappiness. Its her they are concerned for. BPD is heavily stigmatised precisely because those who have it seem like the most loving and vulnerable guys until abandonment fears (real or imagined) kick in.

If I made fart noises all through the anthem, do you think the POSOTUS would deport me to somewhere like Tahiti?

Agreed. I keep asking myself why when a player is asked about this, do they not say five simple word ”Written by a White Supremacist”. And then walk away.

In my best DJ Khaled voice, I say to the NFL:

Not a single black player should be on any playing field or court when that song is played. Ever. Ever again. That song in no way represents black people and it should have no special place for us, other than scorn.

They really thought Trump was gonna let this shit slide, didn’t they?

Gotta love the cover game from the NYDN

Many people are saying it.

I’d be sad for how stupid he was if he wasn’t so mean, racist, and determined to be cruel and continue to refuse to learn.

Everyone named Brant is like this.