So some woman decided to help Tuna Surprise’s thirsty ass out. It’s more than she deserves.
So some woman decided to help Tuna Surprise’s thirsty ass out. It’s more than she deserves.
‘You’re just going to kick me out for them throwing water? Unbelievable,’
The law calls this “assault.” No matter how much you disagree with someone, you cannot throw things at another person. That’s across the board for everyone.
Now if only there was a good guy with a water gun there to prevent this from happening, but seriously did that bish start to dissolve once the water landed on her?
News flash... It doesn’t matter which road liberals take. It’ll always be the wrong road. Liberals are apparently little fragile snowflakes yet are, at the same time, violent animals that will attack anyone that doesn’t agree with them.
I hate that I find her attractive. What is broken in me that causes me to find evil hot?
They need a plaque in that spot like the one at Oxford celebrating the time Clinton didn’t inhale there.
Clearly the water missed her because she didn’t start smoking, steaming and melting on the floor as her winged monkeys looked on in amazement.
Because booing and heckling has totally stopped the MAGA crowd from destroying the republic.
I don’t know how to explain to clowns like this that Fox News talking heads inciting hatred, violence, and fascism don’t deserve respect or civility. With a username like “6stringtheory” they’re probably a philosophy major that loves Dream Theater. Fucking white knight bullshit.
You assume that they don’t already create their own ammo out of lies and bullshit. They do. Bitch might as well get wet.
I meant “waxing” worse and worse. Yall know what I meant.
I wonder if Tomi or whatever the fuck her name is realizes that she is nothing more than spankbank material for all of the “real, red blooded american men” watching her...her career is toast once her face starts to sag from all of her vitriol and she begins to resemble droopy dog face kellyann conway
talk shit, get drenched.
She is going to milk this for years.
They cheated.
Will someone please instruct my old ass how to make this my ringtone?