ooh good idea. need a time machine though cuz I need original actors ONLY
ooh good idea. need a time machine though cuz I need original actors ONLY
and yet they want to call anyone who is “other” any name that denies them their humanity, someone asking that we call people “enslaved peoples” instead of “slaves” is laughed at, called snowflake
he admits to being radicalized but you won’t ever see someone of that color being called a terrorist
dude they monetize things that can’t be done, too. if someone has seen it, smelled it, felt it, tasted it, heard it, thought of it, had a nightmare about it, tripped balls and saw it through a black hole at the center of the universe, capitalists gonna monetize
still not giving actual reasons for your high horse riding
why? if all my parts are covered, why is it a concern of yours that the label I cut off when I bought these pants said “pajama bottoms” instead of “trousers?” I don’t dress to impress dipshit judgey bitches on the internet
did it hit too close to home, given that jez is about making fun of how people look a lot too? just because it’s not the biggest issue doesn’t mean it isn’t an issue. women should be banding together instead of biting each other’s ankles all the fucking time.
again with the “they don’t call themselves nazis therefore they aren’t nazis” bulllllllllshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
no taxation without representation unless you’re a dirty immigrant, amiriteguyz
“I have no empathy therefore no one else does”
where do you get the idea that most people don’t give a shit about prisoners? maybe you have that privilege, but a lot of us have loved ones in prison for bullshit charges and I guarantee that we do fucking give a shit.
exactly. you shouldn’t lose your right to representation for selling weed, which is increasingly legal. some laws are amoral and some people didn’t even commit crimes yet ended up in prison for years.
some, actually a lot, of those “scumbags” in supermax got there by being poor, brown people rather than “committing crimes”
does it bankrupt their position as much as saying wrong things does yours?
where did they say that everyone should be allowed to vote? I’m only seeing the exception you take exception to, Boris
who called you wise? misnomer
you can’t be fiscally conservative and socially liberal, it’s a paradox.