
if I was president I’d use this power to force a do over for the ending of Lost

most of the comments are good, just one white bitch stinking up the place

please no more cops, those guys are not on our side

good for him, and damn he looks good. more like Rick Silver Fox am I rite ladies and some dudes?

fuck the thin blue line and the bootlickers who dry hump it

this is bullshit. I’m always polite to everyone and I get tickets when I get pulled over. that’s fucking revenue and being nice also doesn’t help people not get SHOT. REMEMBER PHILANDO CASTILE? SAY HIS FUCKING NAME.

are there good ones, though?

what set these trash off? chick fil a was closed but it’s closed every sunday

more shitty takes from the root’s resident racist

yes, we need this law, but we also need to train cops not to shoot people

capitalism is by its very nature RACIST so not sure what you’re trying to argue here, buddy

says the fuckstain that voted for him

not on twitter but thanks I guess? how do boots taste? they must be delicious for you to have them stuffed in your mouth so much

tech bros need to fucking die


bleh I was hoping this was green tea kit kat from japan which is THE SHIIIIIIIIT

mew mew mew. any time anyone acts like we shouldn’t criticize any of the candidates because GOTTA BEAT TRUMP all I hear is meowing. you want a garbage president? cuz that’s how you get a garbage president.

so tired of this old piece of shit

self cut hair, a sure sign of insanity

I threaten to eat people all the time (for example, climate change deniers: we’ll eat you first)