not all of them, promise
not all of them, promise
he has a twitter too
comment box is not google
For all genders: post pictures of your face and body, not obscured, not a headless torso or lone eyeball. don’t post a group pic and fail to identify yourself. don’t post a picture of yourself holding a goddamn fish. don’t say you’re comfortable in sweats and formal wear (goddamn cliche).
so it’s not a match, you like boring people and this other guy doesn’t
“I like to have fun and hang out” “I like music” “I like movies” OH DO YA, SNOWFLAKE
and fill the islands with the most dangerous snakes and spiders
put him in solitary, then. the torture is suitable.
I hate the death penalty, even for racist scumbag shitbirds. he should have to die an old man in prison
name an example, we’ll wait here for-fucking-ever
hey guess what when someone keeps doing that to you and six or twenty other dudes do too IT BECOMES A FUCKING PROBLEM
language, like sexuality and gender, is fluid. you wouldn’t understand a person speaking english from a few centuries ago. words change all the time. words are added and dropped. pedantry is usually a sign of fear of change, and in your case, probably meant as a dog whistle remark about the non-binary person mentioned…
you’re a fucking moron.
says someone with no biology background and a NO STEP ON SNEK sticker on their giant truck. go fuck your mom in space, beardo
Is russian your first language? None of your comments make any goddamn sense
I don’t read every article here because I got shit to do, so I haven’t noticed this BERNIE OR DIE thing that all of you regulars constantly complain about. maybe go somewhere else if that is really the case? I don’t understand racists who cry about the root and people like yourselves.
I read a post on facebook the other day about how Joe Biden made his career being anti-Roe V Wade and anti-steroids, the former is obviously douchey and the latter is less obvious: apparently before the anti viral cocktails that have kept HIV+ folks healthy, men were taking steriods to mitigate the symptoms of AIDs…
I’ve been calling him (and the rest of the noms) a JAWB: just another white boy
racism is actually the worst aspect of this, you’re confusing your personal feelings with facts.