
source for what?

thought that said nightmare activity, made me think cornhole was living up to its prison sex name

thought that said nightmare activity, made me think cornhole was living up to its prison sex name

she has a bit of a fivehead, maybe she felt self-conscious about it

what kind of 12 year old finds that kind of shit sexy???

mouth fills, ugh

how is the doula lazy, when someone else hired her to do all the hard work? this mom sounds like a fucking bitch

but guys, he’s an entrepreneur!


why do you keep changing your name every time you comment, Jason?

sup cunt

white on white crime is at an all time high but whatever, eat a dick, Chad

no one is reading your bullshit propaganda, Kirk

your dick is so small and I’m so fucking sorry about that. god has cursed you

I just realized I might be a single issue voter cuz this really appeals to me and my $100k of student loan debt

this is happening to me right now!

clinton isn’t president by the way

the wrong side of history is the side that isn’t racist and fascist? weird, I guess there’s a first time for everything

translation: I got mine and I think it will protect me when the climate apocalypse hits

$15 for the LA area is fucking poverty and they know it. assholes

those sweat bees were only in her eyes for like a day