
I have no respect for anyone working in corrections. they can all fuck off and die in a fire.

you’re not allowed to cut hair and charge for it without a license. just like fucking, you can do it for free all you like. 

cops exist to protect property, so of course they hate anyone who doesn’t own property


I would get rid of my car in a second if I didn’t live in a typical sprawling bullshit city designed by the car industry

garbage person who can’t get laid

HOW DO WE PAY FOR IT??????? is never a question asked to the GOP, forever a question asked of AOC

that really sucks that you had to spend your inheritance on tests. that is the way I imagine my grandma’s estate is going to go. she died in february and left a big farm and a lot of cash, but my uncle has alzheimers, my mom has a ton of health problems too, so our middle classness and the ability to leave stuff to

they made it mandatory so that they can collect all of our money and never pay out

let the market handle it! adam smith was the nostradamus of economics, he knew more than any of us even though he died in 1790! he was talking about tiny communities but INVISIBLE HAND, GUYZ

it does make sense, though, considering that capitalism is an accumulation economy. Expand or go out of business. short term profits at the expense of everything else.

definitely. I worked for an insurance company in the past; it’s not a specific skill set. it will translate to any office work. 

all you have to say is REMEMBER NIXON and I’m like “he had a way with words, didn’t he?”

it’s not for attention. your ugly kids, on the other hand, wearing bikinis under their robes and grossing everyone out

dress codes are mostly racist, sexist bullshit. there is no reason other than racism to prohibit this. the guy is LEAVING the school. ten seconds after the ceremony ends, so does the school’s authority over this kid. 

Hasn’t happened yet, as you well know. but please do explain to me, someone with an economics background, how capitalism is cool and best and the only system that works, in your layman’s terms. I’m so sure you’ll convince me when years of schooling had the opposite effect.

pretty much par for the course with the GOP. we voted for hillary, didn’t get her. we want the mueller report released, won’t get it. 

I’m tired of dried up boomers and their fears. someone needs to unhook this old turd’s claws from the democratic party so some shit can get done

so they don’t have a commuting expense. big fucking deal, they still have to EAT

if the workers owned the means of production, do you really think they’d pay themselves less than a living wage, Chad?