
a balanced budget is terrible for the economy anyway

he’s the BEST

his brain suddenly sounds “delicious” instead of “missing”

it’s weird how right wing the comments get on every one of these buzzfeed posts

The corner cafe in riverside probably seemed like a slam dunk for finding MAGAts, but just because it’s a white person restaurant serving greens doesn’t mean it’s full of southern fried redneck cunts

what does conservatism mean to you? I hate seeing seemingly reasonable people hitch their wagon to conservatism because it signals to the rest of us that you are a racist, sexist, everyother-ist, homophobe

except they don’t believe in evolution either

garbage nosy people like an HOA shouldn’t have moved there if they didn’t like the flintstones, the house was built in goddamn 1976

for some reason I thought they were referring to her fetus as Football

ASMR is the thing that finally made me feel old. what the fuck is it for and why would you want to feel like someone is whispering into the back of your neck? It creeps me the fuck out

hey basic bitch: leaning on the trees is illegal

except he doesn’t and you’re a liar and also ugly

they’re also used as memorials

i’d be ok with influencers being rounded up and shot

they gave plenty of examples of captive audiences that you fucking ignored because you are terrible at debate

fox news is on the tv in the lobby at my work, and I feel bad for the receptionist if she isn’t the one picking that channel. she has to listen to that shit all day erry day


no it won’t, stupid. fucking read some econ texts and get your head out of your ass

right, because that weapons cache that you’ve been maintaining is just for offing faggots who like socialism, and not for protecting whatever against tyranny that you actually worship