weird how the “cure” in DSMV is “gender confirmation surgery”
weird how the “cure” in DSMV is “gender confirmation surgery”
i’m sure 20 years ago it was probably “interracial” because the taboo is what gets em hot
fuck this plastic surgery fucker
heck yeah, they almost instantly know how to use their litterbox. no fucking YEARS of shitting themselves before they finally figure it out!
and the benefits of dumping shit in rivers
hit dog hollaring at her five fucking crotch fruit
there is no reason to bring up her kind of bullshit. we don’t need a debate.
haha gender critical, Contrapoints just did a video on that bullshit
only because there are more women than there are people who are trans, but lets not let that get in the way of your bullshit
probably doesn’t like how often she gets clocked
making fun of people’s appearances is so fucking productive
it’s so weird how anti union you alleged progressives are
happy employees are more productive but whatever, you’d have us return to bosses being able to beat their employees and not pay them, those boots must taste so fucking good
they are looking for any excuse to ghost
is that a fucking spoiler???
yes only you are smart enough to know the truth
i’m glad someone is putting make up on that gross thing
he’s hilarious in comedies. 30 rock is a treasure.
it definitely does in my raging little brother. he yells about EVERYTHING and I know it’s anxiety, we are very similar in our brains