
this dimwitted lipgloss ad is not the victim

it happened, it just wasn’t a big deal. he said ich bin ein berliner, when natives would say ich bin berliner, because when you say ein in front of berliner you’re usually referring to the pastry.

my dumb friend that I have to now not be friends with any more was drunkenly trying to tell me that girls “get manipulated” into “turning trans” by the popular girls, like transgender folks are just responding to mean girl clique peer pressure

there can be some numbness associated with vibrator use

criminal means he broke laws, legally, dipshit

I really liked it, weird how taste is subjective and all that

are you trying to say reverse racism without saying it because you know it’s not real? Barbara, you silly twat

sorry about my people of no color coming out in droves to comment about reverse racism

what was the point of this comment? No one gives a shit what you think, scott

read the fucking article, jason

who is ‘us’ bradley? you aren’t black, and you don’t represent white people, so fucking shut your stupid face. there is no such thing as reverse racism for fucks sake

I always thought it was to confuse white ladies like me who thought nelly and nelly furtado were the same lady (I’m from missouri so I should fuckin know better but I did NOT)

if they play it on country radio, wtf else is it

fuckin mac sounds like the gay neighbor kid (truman capote) from to kill a mockingbird

wrong, no one has ever had a consensus about men wearing goddamn leggings. men decide not to wear things that they think are “women’s” things all on their fucking own, god forbid anyone think you’re a woman, such an insult to be thought a woman, 50% of the population are just so gross

these “girls” aren’t people, they’re daughters and sisters!

I’m an ugly fat old woman so don’t be offended when I say wtf is with all the ugly fat fucks that work for trump

he’s also tweeting today about “infanticide” which is a seriously bullshit misnomer for abortion

reverse racism isn’t a thing, you deep dong

I don’t know boats, can you explain the difference between the two pics you keep posting?