
That is very true. Him being a form of AI could mean they could easily write him back in. I don’t think there’s any reason he shouldn’t return.

I really hope he read the script and thinks it’s good, rather than cashing in after his great indie efforts a la Frank and Slow West.

Scarlet Witch is an interesting omission. Maybe she doesn’t want to fight against Cap but also doesn’t want to fight The Vision.

I still stand by his “villainy” being a bit more complex than the audience ever gives him credit for. Granted, his character’s expectations is to be a bit one dimensional, and I think his grey-area motives were a bit of a turnoff for some, given what they were expecting.

Loved this film, loved this villain. Easily my favorite Marvel film to date.

Watch it again. It’s better than you remember. I absolutely love it.

Nicholas Ridiculous Mason.

I have been using Republic Wireless for 2 years (without much issue) and the hand-off process took them the longest to perfect.

Do you not have the ability to turn wifi off, favoring the cell networks (at your cost, of course)?

Maybe it’s a NY thing? I’ve only heard great things about Fi.


As a previous Chromebook owner, they are great little machines. Was waiting for something with a little more *umph* and the option for a speedy processor. This sounds great!

I’m into a lot of weird hipster trends, but this one is far away from me.

...Like an ant has no quarrel with a boot.


The point is, you and your friends can still agree to do this if its that important to you. The fact that they are limiting it is just taking an option away.

Binge watching is entirely up to the consumer, the important part is having the option to do so. I was given Daredevil all at once and chose to watch about two episodes per day. To restrict viewings to one a week is a pretty dinosaur concept.

I find it’s not coffee but caffeine in general has this effect on me (specifically pre-workout right before I hit the gym).

I kind of hope so. Honestly I picture him in the costume and it looks ridiculous in my head.

One larger character choice I would love to see made is Bucky taking on the Cap mantle. It would be a cool way to have Cap interact with the rest of the films (potentially Black Panther or Ms. Marvel) but have Steve out of the picture, due to IRL contract negotiations and possible his “death” in the story. Bringing

Well, I think being the dumpee doesn’t necessarily consider state of mind, but circumstance, more or less. I could be dumped (have been) and have either been ready for the split or about to complete it myself. In this case, my mental health was not compromised.