
Blaine is a pain, and that is the truth.

I swear people like you don't want this to end. If you're vaxxed there's no danger to you or others. It's fine to get on with your life again. 

Age of Ultron really isn’t that bad - flawed, yes, but not bad - and the blame for its flaws is not entirely Whedon’s fault - there is a reason Feigue moved to get rid of Perlmutter and the story comittee after AoU.

Finally!! The hard hitting political and gaming news I expect from Kotaku!

Turns out, it’s not Alan Moore playing Rasputin. It’s Rasputin playing Alan Moore.


1000 dollars says the author wouldn’t have known the difference if it were being written only by white people or only by black people.

We’re all speculating here. Some people will say, “AB’s a moron so of course he did it”. Some people will say, “this women’s story doesn’t add up because [fill in the blank]”. But neither side has any fucking clue what happened. We’re all in the same boat. But dragging someone cause they’re speculating differently

Sigh. Here goes nothing: Omar makes valid points. I’m not saying this woman is lying. I’m not saying that AB is innocent. I know I’ll get called a men’s rights activist or a troll or whatever but this notion of dragging people through the mud based solely on accusations is crazy. It doesn’t mean your insensitive to

I’ve been rather worried that fatalism like Franzen’s would come out of the heavy focus on the 2030 deadline. 

You must be new here. The Gawker network is extremely left, and anything else is shit.  All of these commenters are keyboard warriors.  Nothing more 

It is embarrassing to read the comments of this page and see the vitriolic tone imbued into every mention of the republican party. WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE. There are pieces of shit on every side of the political landscape. Elizabeth Warren used her 1.6 percent Native ancestry to get not one but two different jobs.

Bob Iger sucks, so it would not surprise me if he said this.

Today, the U.S. president took to his unhinged Twitter account to post an image (which you can go find for yourself).

We wernt waiting.

I’m confused, because I have been asking google to give me location based reminders for a long time....

Oh, this is all sad and heartbreaking, but if I die next to my silicon doll suddenly I am a loser and a freak.

Uh, I’m fine with every character’s romantic life being “minimized”. Not why I’m watching the movies.

I very rarely side with the “now so you’re just being silly” side on this issue... but yeah, that piece might be pushing things a bit too far.

“so do our sensibilities and our awareness of the ways in which injustice operates systematically.”