

Now THESE comics need adaptations.

Or, I'll create a fake account and do this myself. I can say so many sexy things to myself it's not even funny. Wait...

Unfortunately, I'm even worse than the angry drunk. I'm the dude who wants to discuss complex topics while drunk, and will not stop talking. I just want to discuss social implications of David Lynch and Blue Velvet, goddamnit! Get me a beer!

Super Mario Sunshine:

#2 Forcing apps to be full screen is obnoxious.

Happy Easter, everybody.

1.) These inspections of crazy comic book motifs are the best thing io9 has ever done.

Relationships aside, I'm daunted by the dialog. Nobody talks like that.

"Quiet or Papa Spank."

Good God, somebody needs to.

You can keep the franchise if you want, but have some bullshit subsequent name so as not to write off the first outing IE The Evil Dead: Requiem for a Theme (get the drug reference? I hate you). Whether explicit or not, that's what they're doing.

Wow, they're really doing it. They're really remaking The Evil Dead. There is only one letter in the alphabet that can be a response to this, and I'm sure you all know which it is.


Or at the very least, the lab coat. I'm gonna pull a "Thor's Helmet" when I say that I need that fucking lab coat.

It's a lot of fun to watch your hometown be destroyed in an alien invasion.

Well, at least then it will be entertaining.

Them "liking" it is funny to me.

Man, I am so sick of the apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic theme. It has invaded my books, my video games, my movies and my television, and it's getting oh-so tiresome.

Alton Brown...where are you? I love you.