Hey, you're being condescending! That makes you cool!
Hey, you're being condescending! That makes you cool!
Maybe you shouldn't be lifting houses.
What a great piece! I can't wait to get the game and relive my teen years on Sunday!
Powder Toast Man or am I just too old?
They're doing it for the lulz. That's been clear.
Ah, damnit! And I thought I was the only one who was clever.
I was thinking more Charles Manson.
What a great achievement.
And thus, completing the cycle, I will troll this article and end the world.
Ugh. Let's just hope that what this chart represents is true: 3D movies are trends. 3D doesn't excite me in any way, and certainly doesn't drive me to spend more money on an already expensive theater experience.
That's why I beat her too!!
Well, that's a deal-breaker.
Holy hell you are condescending.
I actually love the 3DS but I also love it when games avoid the stylus. It just doesn't feel right.
What an awful band.
He's a gay alright.
Dr. Doom.