salaminizer, it's a me the

A Lesson In Crime! That's what the EP was. Hnnn better times ;;

A miserable pile of butthurt....

who are you and why is your name the same as the name I used for female video game characters, when I completely made up that name by slapping letters together on RPGMaker 15 or so years ago

I'm confused. This post isn't announcing Number Munchers 2...?

Way too many colors for 16bit. 32 bit maybe, but maybe not even that.

Still very suspicious when your dick is out.

the logic is: "The lack of evidence is the evidence of a conspiracy"

If it wasn't for Ms. Pacman, I wouldn't even realize Pacman is a dude, since its just a yellow circle.

The contents of the article don't match the headline.

I've pretty much been back with the parents since I was 22, and I'm about to hit 26. The first year and a half was really rough for me, since I finished up a MLS and worked 2 shitty jobs in a part of the field in very limiting environments. I went away for about 5 months to do an Americorps program in the wilderness

Cmon, which school? I have friends and family in high school, and I'd like to advise them to avoid this school.

OR you can start making $50k a month by filling a simple survey on!

Hideo Kojima makes no mistakes... only confusion. x)

I am AMAZED that people aren't catching your sarcasm. It's pretty obvious.

I own the Rav Power battery pack and it works well. Both my GF and I use it for our phones. I haven't done any scientific testing, but I would estimate it chargers my iPhone 5 4 or 5 times before it needs to be recharged. It does charge the phone rather quickly though. The thing is pretty heavy though, luckily

Really? Add to "Card"?

Common sense is no longer common. Great article!

Without knowing what is making income and spending too volatile for you, I would say you are using the inadequacies of budgeting software as an excuse not to budget at all. Unless you have the ability to conform your income and spending to the framework of the existing software choices (which mostly assume a monthly

Those aren't roaches, they're worse...bedbugs

That's cool but in all honesty, they really need to remake GTA 2 as a 3D game. Because that was the best GTA game.