salaminizer, it's a me the


Egregiously missing:

Replaying the first PW to get ready for this one! :) The names they give to some of these characters... GENIUS.


Why are you marrying her then?!

Learn what it truly means to be scared

Writing a review for a game like this must be difficult, no offense but it's probably one of the few times you're challenged by something outside of whining about how hard you have it while the rest of us struggle thanks to obama. This review is pretty excellent. On a scale of 1-10 1 being ketchup soup thanks to Obama

Skyroads. And I'm okay with that.

I had the same thing happen during my 6th. My mom tells me I didn't hand out the invitations in school, but I like to think everyone just hated me. One kid showed up crying, handed me a present and left.

Now playing

I am disappointed that a whole article on announcers went by and not one reference to NBA Jam's announcer... For shame.

Here you go, WinMe

This is why all cutscenes should either be skipable or skipable after being viewed once. (And, on a related note, also pausable and able to be rewatched at your convenience.)

better augment: why should I have to sit through a 20min cut scene after dying to a boss repeatedly. THAT needs fixing

Does it dock points for stamping off the mark? Because that last stamp in the video gets a 4 out of 10, at best.

Except for when Blizzard says they are making a game it takes forever...


And then Fall From Heaven in turn got modded the hell out. If anyone has taken a look at the Master of Mana mod you will know what I'm talking about.

Absolutely needs to include Fall From Heaven for Civilization 4. That mod felt like a full-blown expansion pack. If you've ever felt like what Civilization was missing was orcs and magic, then check it out.