salaminizer, it's a me the

They are both references to Michelangelo’s La Pieta. It is one of the most famous statues in the world.

One more bit of advice for everyone, scrub those hands before taking out your contacts. The solution does nothing to temper the spice, and there’s almost nothing worse than unexpectedly pepper-spraying yourself first thing the next morning.

There are no health benefits to consuming anti-oxidants. This is a myth that needs to die.

Anti-oxidents do nothing. No, really. NOTHING.

No that’s exactly the kind of insipid nonsense that some sales chucklefuck that wanted to sound like an engineer would come up with

That’s so true. Pretty much every time I’ve ever seen someone asking “Should I stay or should I go?” It’s always been “GO! GET OUT NOW!”

Sweet - more boxing coverage!

Always so fucking negative. What about all the economic benefits the games created? Not a single mention, not one.

Sure that last one could be easily answered with: she dated your brother, stay the hell away.

“Now I’m at the end of my senior year of high school (southern hemisphere)

Well, I kept thinking “WTF, are you kidding?” Then I read that, and thought, awe cute :)

Now I’m at the end of my senior year of high school

Undercooked management in a game like this seems like a big red flag to me... I’ll check out some videos though. Probably won’t have time to purchase/play it until next year.

The undercooked management is actually what’s preventing me from buying the game. Sorry, but a true roller coaster tycoon game is one in which tweaking a roller coaster can make or break my ability to tycoon the rest of the park. Call it nerdy all you want, it’s what made RCT and Theme Park fantastic games.

Eternal Darkness is brilliant, and I try to play it every year around the Halloween season. It also features the scariest moment in any video game that I have ever played. I refuse to go into the bathroom on the second floor of the mansion because of that woman in the tub. Even thinking about it terrifies me.

These MacOS updates get more and more disappointing. I guess some people want the iPhone experience on their desktop. Luckily, Apple stopped charging for updates. This would never be worth the $129 Apple used to charge.

Hopefully his next goal is to leave his mothers basement.

This is so stupid it literally made me break my keyboard in half because I couldn’t understand what the little squiggles meant anymore.

“If you normally drink eight cups of coffee a day, for example, go down to four cups for two or three days.”

Just in time for back to school.

Just in time for back to school.