salaminizer, it's a me the

Sounds a bit like Cities: Skylines, which is great and a disappointment at the same time when it comes to management. I know there’s only so much they can do so the game doesn’t become unplayable in terms of managing money etc and it’s always difficult to balance everything, but the prospects of it being

great username hahah

funny thing is that although this review didn’t mention it, Planetbase’s description is “Planetbase is a strategy game where you guide a group of space settlers trying to establish an outpost on a remote planet. “

great, I tried playing it a few years ago but I couldn’t get it past the awkward controls IIRC.

Railroad Tycoon 2, RollerCoaster Tycoon (I’d say 2+expansions is the best, but any really). I second TTD by Fedexm, or OpenTTD. and SC3k over SC2k.

I remember when I used to play Fairway Solitaire because of you Stephen!

Around when the first MW came out it was first time I had really splashed the cash on a good PC (not because of MW, it’s just the temporal context lol), then next year when Crysis Warhead came out I bought it cause it was cheaper than buying Crysis and it was a good “benchmark”. It’s also a quite good short FPS.

for me that’s the biggest attraction to a kickstarter like this. I was a fan of the metroidvanias and we saw Konami killing them by milking and probably choosing the wrong platform as well (and then doing something horrible on what were possibly the right platforms at the time) - they aren’t going back to it because

that’s the other guy. Arok asked the OP, who said that he did beat FF8 without a MC.

" I play for about half an hour each night before I go to be. It clears my mind. If I don't play I'll usually end up dreaming about work."

sounds exciting, completely forgot this was coming out now (tbf it's been quite a while since I stopped reading their updates through email), but I'm currently quite busy monster hunting, I will leave this out for later :(

without thinking too much about other games, SC3K(U)'s soundtrack is easily in my top 5.

it's worse, it's a Speedy Gonzales clone hahaha

inb4 everyone, the map posted in the article is about bytes transferred and not average download speed.

I'm not familiar with the ones in the cropped image, so I just assumed that it was the same character and that in 2013 they basically killed the 2012 one and designed a new one.

The Jungle Book (on the SNES) was also fun when I was a kid, though Kaa was a nightmare and for years I couldn't beat it (nothing that a cheat code wouldn't solve - and it was good that you could use a cheat code to jump to any level you wanted). It was the only one I owned as well, I used to rent Aladdin and The Lion

but how many of these "i have to do" stuff are actually things you really should have done, but are delaying them somehow (maybe because you always have to do stuff as you always postpone them???)

Mac as well. This and Grim Fandango.

Conigitive dissonance describes the discomfort you feel when holding two (or more) conflicting thoughts, and it shows up a lot when you lie. In [a] study by Argo and Shiv, University students received a short list of words with which to form sentences. Some participants received lists containing basic words that had

just seeing if you're paying attention!