
The handrail in the elevator has also expressed regret for its involvement.

It's amazing, isn't it, how these fucks will parade their misogyny, their "my fap before your dignity/humanity" stance, their proud, peacocking assertion that any woman anywhere who has shown her physical form for any purpose deserves all the hate, rape threats, and filth that can possibly be held by the internet, but

I am going to speculate that few know about that, because the emphasis of what's out there is primarily on Jennifer Lawrence specifically, the women who were listed (I don't recall seeing men listed), and the celebrities making public statements about the whole thing. Not to mention all the people demanding reposts

Anyone who complains about the lack of access to these nude photos in the age of torrents should be forced to donate their fapping hands to a non-useless member of society.

Men scare the shit out of me. They consume women, devour them, then spit out the bones. If it weren't for my dad I'd wonder if men are even capable of loving and respecting women. No, not "loving" them the way they love their favorite meal, but truly loving as fellow human beings.

"...had also completely missed (or had not been given) the memo that just because someone is attractive and famous doesn't mean that their body belongs to anyone but themselves and that Lawrence, possessed of "an awesome pair of tits, though," or not should a) not feel like she can't take pictures of herself in

First of all, I'm a hypocrite for commenting on this story because I honestly feel like the right thing to do - for the sake of everyone whose privacy was violated - is to pay as little attention to this story as possible. Second of all, here's my impression of everyone in America: "Calm down about Ferguson,

As someone who's had something similar happen to me, I can't even read this shit anymore without crying and shaking. Yes, you ARE violating these women. Some people realize that and STILL don't give a shit.

At this point I am just hoping that each and every one of these trash monsters dies in a freak jerkoff accident. #BanMen

Never mind that Mary Elizabeth Winstead took those photos with her husband and then deleted them. It wouldn't be anywhere close to okay, regardless, but she did "everything right" according to these people and her pictures are still there.

I can't believe how fucked up this has gotten. Especially all the blame that's being thrown at these women for taking these photos. Get the fuck out.

I do. I refer to it as a leak, a violation of privacy and a sex crime.

Why didn't you say something? If you were able to keep your calm (which I can see would have been difficult, for me at least) you might have been able to change their point of view.

I ... I think I'm one of those man-haters now.

I was getting coffee yesterday and there were two girls talking about it in line and it took every ounce of my being to not interrupt their conversation and explain to them that just because someone takes pictures (nude or otherwise) and places it on their personal devices, does not warrant someone going in and

Good thing no one asked you.

i think flowbee actually thinks it's LITERALLY every white man. i bet that's it. i bet that is exactly what she's saying.

Straight white American men view "rights" as a series of passes for them to do what they please to anyone else that isn't a straight white American man.

Because it's wrapping the entire thing and removing it would involve reaching in and grabbing the person's food. That's what fish en papillote IS; that's how it's fucking served.