
The specific thing you are culpable for is viewing someone's naked body without their consent.

By viewing the naked images without the consent of the person pictured, you are violating their privacy. The people who stole and published these photos are more culpable for this violation than people like you, but you are culpable in it all the same.

Prepare to see what my boobies look like.

There are already so many naked pictures online, I'm just so over anyone else's naked pics. Does anyone really care anymore?

I just wish everyone would stop using these assholes' lame cutesy nicknames for their disgusting actions. The "fappening", the "snappening", blah blah. It really minimizes the fact that they're terrorizing women.

These type of hackers are such losers. This is what you devote your time and energy to? J-Law is right, they must be so empty inside.

Wendy Williams' comment is 100% victim blaming. Very "You were asking for it, you can't stop it, so lie back and enjoy it."

I am going to go out on a limb and say the number of fucks JLaw gives about Wendy Williams' opinion is zero.

"Jennifer Lawrence, you know what? Don't sweat this, young lady," the host continued. "I mean, you're the one who took the pictures...You don't look bad under your clothes, and I think the [hacking] has actually made your career even hotter."

. . . so, do you frequently describe people as transgender in order to insult them?

"Femin-Nazis" is a Rush Limbaugh thing. Sorry I know this.

What is it with people going on about feminists being akin to Nazis? I got referred to as a Nazi yesterday on Gawker (of course followed by a chant of 'Go Back to Jezebel'), and now Duggar's FIL comes out with this?

It's funny, because I want Wendy Williams to just shut up in general.

Or meet a stranger at a bar, meet a stranger at the library, meet a stranger at church...

doesn't that also describe online dating, too, though? or ... dating in general? what does the app have to do with it?

Dear Single Men of (Insert Any City Here),

"But I can't - because you're always walking around with your damn earbuds in ("Don't talk to me!") and your sunglasses on, even when they're not necessary."

Local Chicago woman likes to scowl at all times, gives zero fucks if you find her unapproachable.

It's awful, and I hope to god she has good people around her during all of this shit.