
My boobies are also okay, and they will accompany your boobies #boobsolidarity

It's sad that these manchildren think they have so much power over women simply because they have a revealing picture of their bodies. Someone needs a psychologist, and it's not the women photographing themselves nude.

I think looking at the pictures is wrong, but not as deplorable as actually stealing and uploading them. It's voyeuristic and a complete invasion of privacy. You were not given permission to see those images.

The best way I can think to get this point across is to ask this: if someone secretly videotaped you

What other points of view on this issue are there that we shouldn't completely disregard? As far as I'm concerned, there's "stealing private, nude photos and uploading them for the public is a heinous sex crime" and "no it's not." The latter, of course, is incredibly voyeuristic and creepy.....and we have no interest

Awww, why am I suddenly back in the greys?

I've been anxiously waiting for a statement from her, and I'm incredibly pleased to hear what she had to say. So glad she's calling these people out and calling this a sexual offense. You're awesome, Jennifer.

And this: "I don't want to get mad, but at the same time I'm thinking, I didn't tell you that you could look

Why is "ruining" in quotes? She said "running." Same basic thing, but you lose a bit of credibility by misquoting that racist piece of shit.

I believe you. I have no idea what your qualifications are, but I'm assuming you're a viral expert for my own peace of mind.

Lol. Stop derailing.

You realize that study is specifically about Twitter, and not the internet at large, right? And that it specifically looks at the abuse that public figures receive, and not everyday people, right? In other words, that doesn't even come close to supporting your assertion that men are harassed more frequently online.


Protip: when you claim that something has been "proven," especially something that contradicts well-known statistics and anecdotes, provide a fucking source.

Otherwise, we're just going to write you off as the idiot you are.

You're trying way too hard to be offended by what I'm saying for completely unrelated reasons.

I'm actually a fan of several comic books that manage to humanize woman characters as opposed to treating them like sex objects to be consumed for the male readership. You have no idea what you're talking about.

And my bigotry? LOL.

They do both look terrible, but that's beside the point. The big deal is that these comics are incapable of portraying a woman without completely sexualizing her, which is inherently objectifying, and also entirely problematic considering the harassment and assault that women experience within the fandoms.

This is just

Are you saying that a penis isn't integral to stereotypical male power? And are you trying to tell me that Spiderman is sexualized for female readership? Like, what? You can't be serious.

He's portrayed in that position while in the middle of combat; he's portrayed as powerful, not sexual.

As for the seductiveness of this pose, we can agree to disagree.

You mean the 95%? I don't know how I feel about arguing over statistics you clearly don't understand. But, for the record, the incident of false rape reports is between 2-8%, according to the FBI, and 5.9% according to an independent analysis (so really fucking rare either way). Fewer women lie about being raped than

As in, the school found them responsible for sexual assault. Idk how to make that more clear for you.

Then why aren't you advocating against the 5% conviction rate for rapists? Because, clearly, if due process were effective, we wouldn't be publicizing our rapists' names.

Unless, like in the case of the last rape list, these men were already found responsible for sexual assault.