
I never worry about weight, money, weather, or attention from my partner. I'm usually grumpy about being cat-called, being told to smile, having some dude invade my personal space by using the Male Subway Stance while sitting next to me, reading news about yet another college campus coming under federal investigation

You're sure I would brush off trying to force myself on someone in my sleep? Cause uhhhhhhhh nope.

So, let me get this straight. Man rapes woman, claims to have been asleep, and we have to just take his word for it? He doesn't have to undergo a sleep study or have a diagnosis? Well then, shit, that's an ironclad defense for all sorts of criminal activity!

"No, officer, I didn't mean to rob that liquor store! I was sl


I personally do not give two shits about celebrities. I don't know who half of these women are. All I care about is the entitled asshole that gets off on violating their privacy.

So we can't be critical of the leak and the way that Jezebel initially handled reporting it? Seriously? That's a weak argument.

I'm sorry. I might overlook a sneeze, but I'm sure as shit not going to brush off raping someone in my sleep. Even if it did only happen one time.

Nor do we have any evidence that this man suffered from sexsomnia, save for one previous occasion that an ex-girlfriend testified to. No sleep study was conducted; he was not diagnosed. Yet, simply because sexsomnia is a real disorder, he was acquitted because it is theoretically possible that he suffered from it and

I actually don't know a single person that reads tabloids, much less takes any of the gossip on them seriously. But I will agree that they're terrible and sexist (and published primarily by men, btw). However, that doesn't mean that the men going out of their way to violate women's privacy and look at stolen nude

I would agree with that, although I still think, even if it was a one-off thing, he should be warning people he's sharing a bed with of the possibility.

I mean, I have terrible, violent nightmares, and one time I hurt my ex-boyfriend while I was asleep; I clawed at him and punched him in the head. While the nightmares

Which, again, proves that he has not been diagnosed and no evidence exists to prove that he was actually asleep during the assault....just a few experts saying that it was possible.

It's also possible he was the victim of alien mind control, but without any evidence or a subsequent study, I'm not inclined to believe it

You're comparing the pictures taken by the paparazzi to private, nude photos that were stolen by hacking someone's personal accounts? Really?

I'm sorry, do gossip mags published private, stolen images of people without their consent? Does gossip violate a person's privacy? Does it equate to a goddamn sex offense? No? Didn't fucking think so.

Most of the people I know have taken nude photos of themselves, myself included, because....why not? And, just to clarify, none of us are even remotely famous.

In which case, he wasn't diagnosed, and could easily have been using this as an excuse for having raped someone. Notice that the doctor testified that this is a disorder, not that he was diagnosed with the disorder.

Holy. Shit.

Except this had happened before. He was well aware of his condition and did not warn the woman or take any precautions to prevent this from happening. He was culpable.

The key factor here, for me, is that this had happened before and he was aware of this possibility but did not warn this woman nor take any precautions to protect her form being raped. That makes him responsible.

No, but he perhaps should be punished for not warning this woman of his condition nor taking precautions to protect her from assault. This had happened before, after all. It's not like he was unaware of his condition.

....this had happened before. He didn't think to either warn her of his condition nor take necessary precautions to protect her from it. So I have a hard time absolving him of responsibility for this assault.

Actually, a long long time ago someone hacked my skype account and got indecent stills of me and my ex-girlfriend. He tried to blackmail us, saying he'd post them to 4chan unless we put on a show for him. So we posted them to 4chan ourselves and told him to go fuck himself.

I guess we didn't really have a choice but to