....a man wanting to see a male doctor to have his junk inspected isn't sexist, unless he's doing so because he thinks men are better doctors or something.
....a man wanting to see a male doctor to have his junk inspected isn't sexist, unless he's doing so because he thinks men are better doctors or something.
I don't see why we have to be comfortable with male OBGYNs simply because some men are comfortable with female doctors. Why can't we all just do what's most comfortable for us without being judged either way?
No thanks, I happen to really like the way my vagina smells.
I mean, I've already admitted that my hatred for him was fairly irrational. And I link to the xojane article because it articulates the homo/transphobia inherent in the show. There have been many instances where Nev said outrageously problematic things, which is why my hatred wasn't entirely irrational, but it would…
You're super defensive of a reality tv show host. It's weird. Have I insulted your celebrity crush or something?
Nevertheless, Nev is the host. He's intentionally left in the dark, yes, but that is literally the only authentic thing about the show. Regardless of whether or not he's the one masterminding the show, he is…
If it's alright, because I'm someone that benefits from massive amounts of cis/hetero privilege, I'm just going to link you to an article written by someone that doesn't because I hate explaining things for other people: http://www.xojane.com/issues/the-pro…
Sigh. Did you even read the fucking thing I linked you to?
How did you translate "it's often the catfish we hear from first" into "like 1 or 2 episodes"?
And, yes, I've seen the show.
Yeah, because reality tv is never contrived or out-right staged, right?
Actually, from what I understand, the person doing the catfishing is actually the one that initially contacts the show, not the person being catfished. So in most cases, Nev reaches out to someone in an online relationship knowing full well that person is being catfished before they do.
It's creepy and exploitative,…
But I don't just hate him for his stupid fucking face. I hate him because he's an exploitative, self-absorbed douche that exhibits homo/transphobia and has no redeeming qualities. Were that not the case, his face might actually be somewhat endearing instead of fucking stupid.
Like losing his shit on a couple of occasions, most memorably the time he throw a catfish's phone into a goddamn river.
......yeahhhh, I have a tiny little soft spot for Max. He loses mad points for being friends with Nev, but I'd still probably make out with him, too.
I can see him doing exactly what this person is accusing him of doing. He's incredibly full of himself, and seems to have a superiority complex based on what I've seen of his show (which is a lot, btw, my roommate watches it all the time). He's shown some rather impulsive and even violent tendencies on the show, so my…
I hadn't heard about this, but now that I have, I'm kind of relieved to have a legit reason to hate him as much as I do. He's really homo/transphobic, and also a self-absorbed douche. And he's not funny. Or clever. Or attractive. He just has no redeeming qualities. But, since that can all describe, well, most people,…
No, I don't. There was actually a recent scandal where a male teacher was hacked and had nude photos sent to his students. His employers defended him and no one crusaded for him to be fired. But the same has happened to countless women, thanks to revenge porn websites, and many of them were harassed, stalked, and…
Sorry, but there are plenty of pictures of naked people that were uploaded to the internet with their consent, and I'm content to look at them. And, yes, I would definitely be calling any of my fellow female-identified peers that they're fucking perverts for looking at stolen nude pictures of a person, regardless of…
I highly recommend, for your own sanity, that you abandon that website and its douchebros immediately.