Ah yes, why don't we make up for being called out as being a sex criminal by demonstrating exactly why this is a sex crime and not a scandal? The stupidity of these people - good that wiki-editors caught it quickly.
Ah yes, why don't we make up for being called out as being a sex criminal by demonstrating exactly why this is a sex crime and not a scandal? The stupidity of these people - good that wiki-editors caught it quickly.
This is exactly what I was thinking. I didn't look at them for the exact reason that she mentioned, but she doesn't know me, so even if I did, it would effect her much less. I cannot imagine someone she knows and cares about looking at those photos at all, and I just feel so sad that she now also has to find it in…
People she knew and loved not only looked, but told her they looked, like it's totally nbd? That might be the most appalling thing about this whole fucking story. I literally cannot imagine having someone who loved me be complicit in that kind of violation that was done to me. It's utterly horrifying to think that…
"It's my body and it should be my choice."
I have this crazy optimistic belief that through science, understanding, and education; humanity will overcome it's limitations, reach the stars, and not fall extinct due to overpopulation, hatred, and scarcity.
I dislike Lena Dunham as much as the next person, but can we please have the courtesy to believe her story and sympathize?
Yes, it will punish the stations. Therefore, there is a shit ton of money on the line for them in terms of keeping the relationships positive. NBC, Fox, ABC...they're not some tiny local news stations that are trying to make it in the big world. They're massive powerhouses that the NFL has to care about, and they're…
It would put a lot of pressure on the NFL by their broadcasting partners, who are going to want to be able to, you know, broadcast the team name. So fine by me.
Don't be fooled. Don't be fooled into thinking that she believes that the removal of embryos is as bad as killing a human being. What she really means is that the killing of Jews is as serious as killing a 5-week embryo. TRUST me. That's how much she cares about the killing of Jews, Roma and gay people. Very little.
Wow like women who get the shit beaten out of them and still go back to the abuser. Thank God we have you to tell us what REAL VICTIMS act like. BARF
We don't know if he forced her to go back to the hotel room. He could have made her feel so unsafe that she couldn't say no. Please stop victim blaming, you asshole.
I am sure ESPN had binders full of women that they approached!!
(This will never not be funny to me)
"Oh it's fine if we just have men, they know plenty." - the patriarchy in one sentence.
A jaded human being.
After reading the article about the woman forgiving her rapist, I thought about it for a while. Could I do the same? I then realized, no I could not.
A woman was put in "protective custody" with a male registered sex offender. Yes it matters that she is a woman (IS a woman). You don't understand how not only was she allowed to come to harm while in protective custody but she was callously put in harm's way?
The way you speak of her "presenting as a woman" is just…
Oh, Carrie. Shut up.
As Testa mentions in her piece, trans inmates are 13 times more likely to get raped in prison than non trans inmates.
Those guards knew exactly what was going on and what was going to happen.
I'd really love to see the debate that was edited out.