'Scuse me.. just gonna leave this here..
'Scuse me.. just gonna leave this here..
It's not just about the nudity...it's about the privacy invasion. It feels AWFUL regardless of whether it's from shared private pictures or someone reading your diary or someone robbing your house. Even for the ladies who don't care about being shamed for this, they'll probably still feel like their sense of safety…
"I want to live in a world where pictures of a person's body won't jeopardize their reputation. Seriously. They're just pictures of a goddamn nude body. We've all seen one. Why do they give this hacker so much power?"
It's not just that, though.
That's true, but it's not just about shaming women for having a sexual life. It's about privacy - even if she's not ashamed of her photos, she has a right for privacy.
Funny cause I thought the lesson was more "Mind your business/don't be a shithead"
All this proves to me is that pretty much EVERYONE takes nudes at some point and it's not something that should be used to shame them. Fuck whoever did this, and fuck anyone who tries to say the moral of the story is that people shouldn't take nudes. I hope I hope they catch the person responsible for this and throw…
So, let me get this straight, Reddit.
I think this is nonsense. Nude photos are made regularly in art photography, and have been done this way for decades. Please see Elinor Carucci's work for examples of what I mean. You don't need to be doing it for that reason, though. Maybe you just like the way you look naked on a given day and want to remember…
I'm really angry that someone thought it was okay to hack these women. I also hope they come and say "i look hot in these photos and yeah it sucks but shit happens" because women are always taught that our bodies are private when there is nothing more beautiful than the human form.
It costs a lot for the exterminator and it's pretty invasive, but honestly getting mine out was a huge relief overall and was a much better experience than removing the groundhog that had gotten in there.
You're going to find that a whole lot of commenters—and writers—have personal experiences with sexual assault. I'm one of them. So, while I'm sympathetic, I'm also not giving you a pass on your comments, because they're problematic, dangerous, and wrong.
Look, I'm sorry that happened to your friend. I'm not going to suggest that things like that never happen.
Or perhaps the law should be that men should not have sex with drunk women. Ever.
I don't know, maybe they could react by saying "there's no way this woman could have given consent in this condition, so this is rape."
I just feel like this whole country is trolling me now. Unarmed black men beaten and killed in the streets and hundreds of racists donate money to the white cop perpetrator while also posting insanely racist messages, meanwhile white folks carry around assault rifles while they're shopping at WalMart completely…
Meanwhile, Facebook just informed me that more money has now been raised in Darren Wilson's name than in Michael Brown's.
Dude, I cannot get over BlahBlahBlahXXX bro trying to say his girlfriend doesn't like having her clit touched and prefers digital penetration. Maybe she just hasn't explored herself. Sexual pleasure is literally the only reason we have a clitoris. Are you laughing as hard as me right now?
"...I finally found my words..."