Ewwww. :( I'm so sorry this happened to you.
Cameras on every police car and officer's body. Also, just like killing a police officer is a more serious crime than killing a regular person, violations by police officers should be dealt with more harshly than violations by regular people. You chose to uphold norms, you pay more when you break them, because when…
I had no idea there was a name for smegma, although I guess I should have known there was. I've been calling it Clitty Litter™ since I was a teenager.
Yeah, what DOES a boner feel like?
Friend #1 and #2 are assholes. Friend #3 was merely an idiot.
All 3 of these friends are assholes.
Why do our tax dollars go to anything we dont like? I dont approve of spending billions of dollars to create a prototype engine for a non-existent plane. I still pay my taxes. I dont approve of my tax dollars not being spent to ensure soldiers are properly armed and safe. I still pay my taxes. I dont approve of…
Okay, this happens every fucking time this issue comes up. The government (and your tax dollars) aren't paying for a surgery. The beginning stages of transitioning for Manning would consist of counseling and dressing like a woman. If you'd actually read the article you just commented on, you would've known this and…
The porn gifs were RAPE/GORE porn gifs. There's pretty thick line between those and this post.
Being non-consensually assailed with violent, graphic imagery of rape porn is not even close to the same thing as voluntarily looking at porn that appeals to you.
Love that people are equating this to rape gifs. A naked cartoon body =/= assault
You honestly want to suggest that's even remotely comparable?
Are you really saying jokey pictures of naked cartoon characters (in an article you have to choose to click on, with a NSWF warning) are in any way comparable to rape and gore gifs of actual people sent to people without warning?
Am I missing something?
"Am i missing something?"
you can easily find that on the internet right now, bro
because cartoon dicks are funny
Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.
No one's slick as Gaston