
He's using REAL human beings to entertain himself. That's not okay. Women are real humans with real emotions. Maybe a lot of men don't realize that. It's pretty clear this person doesn't.

My question, though, is why not just spend hours on Cleverbot? Why troll women you've deemed to be "non-interesting" who are on the site in good faith? Dating is hard enough already.

Well then, it would also be insulting to hetero people, wouldn't it...? To compare it to a sexuality?

Wow, I learned something new today! Despite the semantics, I stand by my post, but you've certainly given me something to think about.

I think that's the positive take-away too. We already know that some people are wired toward this terrible behavior, but I think it's rather amazing that younger people who carry this sickness would stand up and self-identify in order to keep from hurting children, obviously at their own expense and discomfort. The

"Our society is a punitive culture. We are curative, not preventative."

I guess it depends on whether you think a sexual urge is a moral failing. As stated in the article, it is the behavior, not the inclination that needs to be corrected. These people have the most taboo desire in society and want to make themselves safe. Absolutely they should get help.

Good on you for writing it up this way. The name needs to come out, but it needs to be the correct name.

Wendy Davis 2014

We'll I'm the first person who mentioned adoption, and I'm well aware of these issues. Why do you assume I am not?

Add this to the list of reasons why you should always, always, have a lawyer with you when being interrogated by the police. It's clear she believes she did nothing wrong, and clear that she thinks just telling them the truth will get her out of there and back to her daughter, as would be the assumption with any

I'm pretty sure black Americans have realized this long, LONG before now. :(

Dude. That is so crazy. It's like, I dunno, you think the police should provide community service in the communities they serve. So strange. Are you taking LSD?

Not shown from tape:

You know, I had this crazy thought.

I suppose we'll have to add "Parenting While Black" to the list of offenses that warrant having your whole life turned upside down.

Lock your kids inside the house so they can sit on their asses and get diabeetus.

I would never judge someone for choosing IVF, surrogacy, or other fertility treatments if that's what they truly wanted. Infertility is a profoundly painful condition for many women and men who want children and can cause a lot of psychological stress. But as someone who was told I would have difficulty getting

If she identifies as "pro-life" than she is not - cannot be - a feminist.

When you are taught via religion that your only value as a woman is as an incubator, of course the idea of artificial wombs makes you nervous; what value do you have now if the only thing you think makes you valuable is no longer reserved just for you?