death to 4chan .
death to 4chan .
Sure, cats are cuddly and bugs aren't, right? I don't care really. Its senseless killing. Cats are cool and everything, but I don't necessarily think that makes them more valuable to Earth than beetles.
This is precisely why women are scared of standing up for themselves when being cat called. Not only can harassers go ballistic like this, but they also, usually, cowardly "travel" in large packs.
This kinda says everything about the real motivation behind a lot of catcalling, huh?
This. Honestly, I don't give a fuck whether some random stranger thinks I'm the most gorgeous person on the planet, or the most hideous beast they've ever laid eyes on. I don't exist as a source of pleasure or amusement for others; I'm just a person trying to live my life without entitled douchebags pronouncing that…
Friendly smile and/or hello is respectful interaction!
It's taken me a long time to figure out why I hate being catcalled in almost every scenario but I think it's a combination of factors. For many women, when wanted/unwanted male attention starts, you're pretty young – a pre-teen or teenager. At that age, I didn't understand my own sexuality or really any one elses. I…
It's offensive because you're not a work of art created to entertain some schlub in the produce aisle; you're a human being.
I think what it is is that by making a statement like that, I no longer feel like a person, I feel like "sexual object #26825 at supermarket store #3736" and it makes me feel like, "how long has he been watching me? has he followed me before?"
I think this again highlights what another post from last week was saying about how people just do not understand depression. He was not a 'coward', he was being crushed under a weight so heavy no one can even imagine it unless you have the misfortune to live through it. He couldn't go on anymore despite his fame,…
If we're ever shipwrecked together, you can hang out over there.
When the pool reopened the baby went right on back in,
Gawker Media's tech crew has now disabled image uploads on comments in an effort to confront our Rape Gif Problem. Tech tells us that this is a temporary fix until something more long term can be worked out, but in the meantime: you're all free from the troll scourge. Carry on.
It's not a thing anywhere.
who the eff is this guy to be talking?!
Idea: Take a picture of yourself with a box of Frosted Flakes.
The victim was modeling for Polanski, professionally. So any way you spin it, this was part of his professional filmmaker life, not his personal life
"This issue"? The issue of drugging children and then raping them up the ass?
What really gets me is how Jack Nicholson has been off the hook about this since it all happened. It was in his house! As if he wasn't participating in similar activities, or at the very, very least highly aware of it and had no problem at all.