
Beauty of Ikea, provided you don’t plan on moving it around a lot or are good at carefully disassembling things. It’s decently sturdy, but repeated assembly/disassembly will wear it out fast.

Yeah, there’s a pretty big difference between shooting back in defense of your life, and being willing to gun down unarmed civilians. Plus the Storm Trooper armor makes it impossible for him to know if he’s shooting at a former friend or that asshole.

I’m pretty sure Abrams has said the satellite isn’t the cause of the monster. Instead, the search for the special ingredient of Slusho in the deep depths of the ocean cause the monster to awaken and head toward New York.

Yup I agree. What made Cloverfield work for me was that it took a pretty big event in made a small story that focused on a few people. Compare to 2012 where the main character is friends with an important scientist or The Mist where they happen to come across soldiers who know whats going on., it took a very boots on

Olaf was a leaf on the wind.

I don’t know how adjustable the shelves are, but it’s made from powder coated steel and glass. I’ve seen them in the store. I’d recommend putting some Loctite on the screws when you assemble it to keep them snug, just in case.

Ikea is seriously the best for this. Their Detolf is $70, and if you’ve ever seen someone post a picture of their collection of X in a display case, odds are high that it was a detolf. You can find innumerable guides on lighting them and hacking them.

They also have a fairly small footprint - good for renters of small apartments. I’d say save the expensive display cabinets for when you own a home. Just use some Loctite when you assemble the IKEA stuff.

Oh man, that “as a kid” part really resonated with me.

That’s why I posted the one from IKEA that is $139. They have another that is $70. If you’re going to spend $50-$75 on a single collectible, that’s not much money for a decent display case.

Rotating is a great idea. Not only prevents clutter, but starts to help you realize just how badly you really need to keep certain things.

Han shot first.

I would love for a sequel along the lines of what was being teased ages ago where Cloverfield 2 would be the same story but told from a different perspective. I would really like a movie following a military unit trailing the big guy and fighting off his parasites and trying desperately to help civilians escape. I’m

Agreed. And I firmly believe the reason they went so character-heavy in Godzilla was thanks to Cloverfield’s success.

I should rewatch that movie. I always thought it was cool despite the shaky cam and the stupid “Pull the lady off rebar and shes fine”. I am glad it looks like the new movie doesn’t look like more of this.

With the scary vaccine stuff and the bizarre transphobic humor in the good episode methinks the creators are a bit out of touch w a great many things

I was expecting an exhaustive list of our fauna Luke! ;)

Well, well, well. Jek Porkins. We meet again.