
I remember that the ‘it’s only a model’ bit from Holy Grail was in reference to it really being a model because they had trouble shooting at a real castle.

Especially for something like TV... I can’t imagine what the GoT crew must go through running around the world all year. You’d think European productions would have an easier time since the castles are right there....

Adapting Fantasy novels or original properties does seem a bit daunting for people that are used to doing crime/doctor/lawyer related shows that are set in contemporary time.

For me, it was always the sitcomy-ness of it all. Each male character had a weird trait that no one would put up with.... not talking to women, living with an overbearing mom, living with Sheldon, and being Sheldon. The show spent so much time making jokes about those absurd character flaws when it could have been

Well, from a poythiest view, Jesus and YWHW are just other random gods seek supremacy.

Didn’t Prometheus’s original script also include one of the giant albino’s being Jesus too? What’s up with Ridley Scott and Jesus these days?

It is interesting to discern the differences between Superhero shows that are largely Sci-fi and Sci-fi shows with people that have special powers. I think most of it is style.... your Superhero shows seem to be more about the characters and less about the setting, while the Sci-fi is more about the setting or the

The Red Wedding had 4-5 thousand Stark troops murdered in the background. I guess this is only the ones you see on camera?

I’m still reserving my opinion for the film itself.... I feel like the notions of identity and soul, and the fun robotic and cybernetic technology of GITS don’t necessarily require a Japanese setting to make for an interesting film, and the GITS movies and shows all have some rough patches, anti-climaxes, and a lot of

As a counter point, Edge of Tomorrow adapted a manga, and I think did an amazing job of it. I actually just opened All You Need Is Kill today at the library and.... well, it feels very anime. Brutal violence, cheesecake shots of girls taking showers, really busy armor.

Season 5 of Angel. Whedon at his most murdery best.

If you’re gonna go with a woman van Hellsing, you go with Integra. Accept no substitutes.

I dunno, at least when you’re done with that, you’re done. Cryonics seems like a subscription service.

Absolutely it’s for the family. Because they’re the ones that will probably have to keep footing the bill.

All caught up.

Shields up, Fire Phasors and Photon Torpedos!

Always a fun guy, even when he has no face.

Yeah, I hope it’s not the complete end.

We’re not going to get any aging cures from long lived animals. When people sequenced the genomes of whales, they found a good explanation for how they’re so long lived. They have tons and tons of DNA damage controlling genes, and many copies of each of them. That’s not the sort of thing you can just turn into a drug

Yeah.... his Ender’s Shadow series features some weird sexual politics that even George W Bush only kind of supported. Snowflake children, having children in spite of overpopulation, having children with obvious, fatal genetic defects. Because if you’re not having children, you’re useless.