
If that was written with the aid of a real scientist they must have had a consulting geologist, because it didn't sound like anyone with a working knowledge of biology looked over that script.

And then later Scully created a “vaccine” from her alien DNA to cure everyone?

What confused me is, for an episode purportedly written with the aid of REAL SCIENTISTS FOR ADDED PLAUSIBILITY, Scully points out that like her, Agent Einstein probably received a smallpox vaccination as a child.

I posted this one too. Shame on me for not scrolling far enough down. Shame on both of us for actually watching it. I even paid money to see it in theaters.

Here’s the trick: in Thor we’re talking about a couple Asgardians here or there.

Yes, but 70% of all cervical cancers are from type 16 and 18, and something like 50-90% of condyloma (genital warts) are from 6 and 9. So the standard guardasil which does 6, 9, 16 and 18 hits all four of the dominant pathologic subtypes. It is a trade off of effectiveness in coverage of the various strains and in

The retelling of a classic story that asks: What would Angelina Jolie, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins, and Robin Wright look like if they were palsied Muppets?

Looks like 16 includes an oral, and is under highest risk. That alone should convince people, yeah?

Not the worst, per se, and that Achilles/Hector fight scene was a shining moment in an otherwise drab film, but still, this movie was annoying as shit with how many liberties were taken with the myth.

because nobody fucks with The Jesus

It’s probably more than that though. Minority producers have tons of stories about casting directors and executives asking does the lead female have to be a minority actress. I don’t think they’re outright racists, but their assumption that American audiences can’t handle a latin, black, asian, or native lead says

“Dudes, get yourself the HPV vaccine!”

I’m just so glad Supernatural was smart enough to end 15 seconds before the end of the last episode of season five and not jump the shark or stretch the premise beyond that. I mean, a few more seasons would have been nice, but it was smart to just end it like they did at the natural conclusion 15 seconds before the

Hey baby.....

Fuck whoever is in this bag.