
Oh come on, Iran would never photoshop/fake something about their own warfare capabilities!

How can it not know what it is?

It wasn’t that she couldn’t learn martial arts, it was the specific style of martial arts as taught by that one particular school. She did not go out and find a different person or version of martial arts, she slept with the master of the school, stole his secrets, and then murdered him. Yes, this was a much more

Tears be gone.

“These athletes are a bunch of coddled pussies. Democrats probably and gayer than a four dollar bill I bet.

I feel the same way about movies that show some aspect about the Roman Empire. I mean, do you know how many people died in wars with the Romans, but we still get movies like "King Arthur" that romanticize the Romans.

Agreed. I have an artist friend who played WoW for about 5 years and now she looks back on that time as a pure waste. Her artistic abilities stagnated (because she didn’t draw as frequently), and she de-prioritized her career.

I feel the same way about possession movies. I just think of all the mentally ill people who were ritually abused or murdered throughout history because their peers were convinced they needed to be cleansed of demons. The Exorcist, to me, has always been straight-up garbage.

She’s played a few in her time.

The crux would be whether or not the majority of that time spent was actually enjoyed. Just speaking from personal experience, there were achievements and rewards in WoW where I put with a lot of grinding and other tedious pursuits for the sake of the end reward. With raiding in particular, it started to become

I’ll go to my grave insisting that Wreck It Ralph felt like a Pixar movie and Brave felt like a Disney movie.

Yeah, that was how I felt afterwards. Parts of it were pretty damn good, but a lot of it is just emotionally exhausting and not in a what I’d call a good way.

Don’t do that.

My first thought as well. Aren’t there already countless podcasts and Youtube channels dedicated to essentially this exact premise? And doesn’t Kevin Smith host a very successful one himself? I guess he just really wanted to take that exact same premise and just make a LOT more money with it, because television.

Half my office has left already and there is nothing on the ground/air/etc. NEVER FORGET!

It’s currently snowing in the South, which means power outages. Need to get myself a new generator . . .