
Number 1a.

I’d go more basic and echo Ron Moore’s complaint about Voyager — how about this time out, when something breaks it stays broken? The magical tech Trek leans on way too hard is the Big Red Reset Button made out of solid Handwavium.

...I like your attitude :)

...where do i sign?

Welp, time to watch that movie yet again tonight!

The other thing that bother me about TBBT was the casual racism against Raj. I used to really love the show the first two seasons but one two many foreign accent jokes later I couldn’t take it anymore. It was also a huge slap in the face IMO to have the brilliant Regina King on the show and pretty much use her as a

I started Harmontown about a week ago after finishing Justin Roiland’s (co-creator of Rick and Morty with Dan Harmon) Grandma’s Virginity Podcast (which is also great because it is a hilarious look behind the scenes of TV... and also depression, narcissism, you name it). Harmontown is pretty great, and the best part

Schrodinger’s Nerd Blackface- Nice turn of phrase sir! I think that is how I will refer to TBBT from hense forth.

TBBT is a show about geeks written for and by people who are not geeks. Community is a show written for and by geeks. That’s your difference.

Being a nerdy Southerner who literally has no interest in sports, I feel this so hard. My mom told me I can’t visit her Sunday because the Super Bowl is on. :(

Nothing about Deadpool is subtle. Why would we expect his marketing to be any less?

I haven’t actually listened to the podcast, but there was a great documentary about it also named Harmontown on Netflix, which is a pretty good introduction.

I love the notion of “recommending” something as high-profile as Big Bang Theory. “Oooh have you heard of this show, I think you’ll like it, since you like trivia, it’s called ‘Jeopardy’ and the ‘answers’ are ‘questions’...”

That lazy, pandering, last-minute-Google-search writing by people who think they might remember what a nerd/geek is from high school. “Nerds still like Star Trek, right? Hey... lets throw that into a sentence. They’ll eat that shit up.”

The thing with Inspector Spacetime is that you can tell the people writing those episodes are people who know and like Doctor Who, and are poking loving fun at it in ways that Who-fans will understand and appreciate. TBBT though? Their jokes don’t generally go much farther than name-dropping. It’s tough to balance the

Because it’s point (as far as I can tell) is that everyone is weird and everyone has quirks that make us outsiders in some way. Community celebrates the joy of being different and loving what love, whilst Big Bang Theory is (mostly) about looking down at those people.

There, is that better?